A Chat With Dr. Ian K. Smith | The SHRED Diet Cookbook

by Jenn

With all the different diets promising so many things, it is difficult to know which are legitimate. You can imagine my excitement when I found The SHRED Diet by Dr. Ian K. Smith, M.D. You may know Dr. Ian Smith from his assistance on” Celebrity Fit Club” or his expertise on “The Doctors” television show on CBS. Well, after learning about the SHRED Diet, I read and use The SHRED Diet Cookbook and had a chat with Dr. Ian Smith too.  The SHRED Diet Cookbook offers more than just weight loss, it also helps to improve our food intake and habits.The SHRED Diet Cookbook

A Chat With Dr. Ian K. Smith | The SHRED Diet Cookbook

Learning the points of the SHRED Diet was great. Cooking meals with the SHRED Diet guidelines has been delicious. What could be better than that? An interview with the creator of The SHRED Diet himself, Dr. Ian K. Smith! I was so excited to have to chance to talk with him and get to the source; armed with questions about the diet and other inquiries. Dr. Ian Smith was great and a pleasure to interview. Here is a summarized version of the chat we had and the great points that we focused on. Enjoy!

Dr. Ian K. Smith Interview

Dr. Ian Smith phoned me on April 9th at around 11:00 a.m. After the usual salutation and pleasantries we got down to business.

What makes the SHRED Diet different?

Dr. Ian Smith explained the SHRED Diet as a 6-week cycle program that progresses. It consists of 4 meals or meal replacements and 3 snacks throughout the day. It also calls for strategic snacking and meal spacing that helps to prevent over consumption. Dr. Ian Smith also introduces Diet Confusion. It’s like muscle confusion that we practice at the gym, that tricks the body that leads to better performance. The Shred Diet does the same thing with food intake, quantity, and type of food that keeps the body guessing and improves metabolism function and efficiency. Check out The SHRED Revolutionary Diet for a more in-depth guide to the diet.

The SHRED Diet Cookbook

The SHRED Diet Cookbook is full of great recipes, and I asked the Doctor which were his favorites to prepare and eat.

Dr. Ian Smith agreed that The SHRED Diet Cookbook is full of delicious recipes, but he does have his favorites. One of those being the Meatloaf Muffins on Page 59 of the book. The Mmmeat Loaf Muffins has a wonderful flavor and follows the guidelines of the diet. Dr. Ian also mentioned another of his favorites, Uncle Johnny’s Black Eyed Pea Salad, which I have shared with you at the end of the interview, along with the Mmmeat Loaf Muffins recipe.

The SHRED Diet Cookbook

MMMeat Loaf Muffins Page 59

Dr. Ian Smith has two children and like all children, they love to eat. What are the Dr. Ian’s kid’s favorite dishes from the Cookbook?

Dr. Ian said that his kids have a great time making the Cauliflower Mash. They also enjoy Dr. Ian’s Sweet BBQ Steaks with the Honey Glazed Carrots because they are a sweet twist on an essential vegetable.

The SHRED Diet Cookbook

Simple, Gorgeous Glazed Carrots Page 272

Thinking of his kids made me curious as to why Dr. Ian Smith became a doctor. What was the reason he became a doctor and who were influential people that led him to the healthcare field?

Dr. Ian Smith told me in our interview that he remembers that he had wanted to go into the medical field since he was only 9 years old. He loved the study of science and the way things work. He also enjoyed dissecting things in his science class. Growing up, he told me that he had a great relationship with his pediatrician. He had a close relationship and with that closeness, his interest in science became more intense and he became more motivated to become a doctor.

The SHRED Diet Cookbook

Doctors help people and Dr. Ian is no different. He started the 50 Million Pound Challenge among the nation. I asked Dr. Ian, “Why did you start the 50 Million Pound Challenge?”

He responded quickly and adamantly as to his intention. Dr. Ian participated as a doctor on the reality show “Celebrity Fit Club.” With the popularity of the show and Dr. Ian’s fame, he was receiving a large number of requests from non-celebrities asking for his assistance. They obviously weren’t able to be a part of the show.  So, with Dr. Ian’s knowledge and his concern over the growing rate of obesity, he wanted to spread awareness about the issue to the nation. The 50 Million Challenge was launched in April 2007 and is still going strong, with new members joining the already millions of others working for the common goal of losing weight, getting fit, and staying healthy.

The SHRED Diet Cookbook

The 50 Million Pound Challenge has been such a success, so of course I had the obvious question. What new projects are you working on?

Dr. Ian Smith has worked with 140 members of the Chicago Police Department and put them on the SHRED Diet. The numbers were quite impressive and the results were motivational. The SHRED Diet as such great results that the program is now open to 12,000 members of the department! Dr. Ian wants to continue to work with others and initiate large group interventions with people across the country. The SHRED diet is obviously effective and spreading the news is a goal of his and I don’t mind adding to that endeavor.

The SHRED Diet Cookbook

Avocado, Grapefuit, and Red Onion with Mint Page 246-247

With the SHRED diet, it pushes strategic snacking. The SHRED Diet Cookbook contains many recipes for some strategic snacks. I started thinking about what I shouldn’t eat as well and that led to the question, “What are 3 snacks that are thought to be healthy, but are actually counterproductive?”

Dr. Ian mentioned a few snacks that I had considered to be decent foods to munch, but learned to be the opposite.

 Granola– Store bought granola is excessive in calories and sugar from the candies and sugar coating added to sweeten the mix. Honey and dried fruits in a homemade granola is a healthier option.
Bran Muffin– Bran is a wonderful grain packed with fiber, but store-bought Bran muffins have added sugars and many people think a single muffin is equivalent to one serving. Whereas the actual serving suggestion is 1/3 the muffin, so calories, fat and carbs are being tripled in one sitting.
Frozen Yogurt – It seems healthier because it is yogurt, but it’s actually closer to ice cream than we like to believe. Also, with toppings like candies, sprinkles or syrups, the sugar, calorie, and fat is increased almost exponentially.

The SHRED Diet Cookbook

Apple Walnut Grits Page 43

I lack energy in the mornings time to time, so I figured I would ask the expert. “What is a great snack to improve overall energy?”

Dr. Ian Smith recommends plenty of raw fruits and vegetables for an increase in energy. Dr. Ian mentioned his other diet, the Smash Diet, and the Phase 1 details. The first phase calls for raw vegetables and fruits. So, he recommends fresh ingredient smoothies with added flax seed, chia seed and ginger for a natural boost of energy. And with the SHRED Diet, the strategic snacking is an added boost of energy throughout the day as well.

The SHRED Diet Cookbook

The SHRED Diet is a revolutionary program for a proper weight loss plan. I thoroughly enjoyed learning about the Shred Diet. Learning and reading about the SHRED Diet made me more excited about the dishes and snacks in The SRED Diet Cookbook. They are easy to prepare and delicious to eat. Strategic planning and scheduled meal plans with a mix up of food types really helps this diet to be successful, effective and tasty.

The SHRED Diet Cookbook

I want to personally thank Dr. Ian Smith on behalf of us at Jenns Blah Blah Blog for his time and generous advice and input. We are all excited to spread the word about the SHRED Diet Cookbook and I highly recommend grabbing your own and trying all the fantastic recipes. Good luck on your journey to body wellness and weight loss goals.

Here are a couple recipes to give you just a snipitt of all the big taste available in The SHRED Diet Cookbook. As promised, here they are.

Mmmeat Loaf Muffins – Page 59

The SHRED Diet Cookbook

Mmmeat Loaf Muffins Page 59

Uncle Johnny’s  Black-Eyed Pea Salad

The SHRED DIet Cookbook

Uncle Johnny’s Black-Eyed Pea Salad Page 114

This post was made possible by ShredLife.com and Dr. Ian K. Smith, M.D. and written by me.


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