Apex Helping Women With Bladder Leakage

by Jenn

As many of you know, bladder leakage is a common issue but did you know one-third of the female population suffers from bladder leakage?  What many women may not be aware of is that bladder leakage can be a warning sign that you need to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.

According to the National Institutes of Health, 50% of women don’t try to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles while 50% will work to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles by doing Kegel exercise.  However, of the 50% of the women who do try to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles by doing Kegel exercises only 50% of them do the exercise correctly.

The kegel exercises were recommended by Dr. Arnold Kegel is 1948 and thankfully we have had several significant advancements since like the Apex.

Apex works to help restore the pelvic floors by using gentle muscle stimulation to help contract and strengthen the muscles on the pelvic floors.  Which may restore your ability to control leakage.  Itapex


seems to be something worth trying.  I would much rather regain control than just put a pad on.  Sure pads seem like the best option but is that only because it’s what we see advertised on TV?  Plus, bladder leakage doesn’t improve without strengthen the muscles, it often can worsen with age, which means you’ll be wearing a thicker pad as you age.

Oh, and think about how much money the average women spend on pads in a lifetime?  According to DontPadTheProblem.com women living with bladder leakage will spend upwards of $50,000 in a lifetime on pads.

Apex was designed by InControl Medical to help provide a woman with a better solution to help strengthen the pelvic floor naturally, treating bladder leakage rather than putting a pad on it.

Does Apex work?   If you want to check out what other people are saying you can find out at DontPadTheProblem.com.

To learn more about the Apex device please visit DontPadTheProblem.com.  For the next 30 days they will be offering a $35 discount plus FREE shipping when you enter code JW0415 at checkout!

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