10 Reason I Liked Watching Delivery Man Again

by Jenn Brockman

You might remember a couple of months ago; I was in Los Angeles, and was lucky enough to attend the Delivery Man red carpet event and after party. I also had the opportunity to interview Vince Vaughn, which was amazing. I have always loved Vince Vaughn, and meeting him was amazing. I also received a copy of Deliver Man from Click Communications. Which is fabulous, but I had already purchased Delivery Man on Amazon, lol. I enjoyed the film, and wanted to watch it again in my own home, away from the whole red carpet experience to see if it made me feel different. Good news, I still love the movie; the red carpet did not blind me, and to make things even better, my husband loved the film.

10 Reason I Liked Watching Delivery Man 10 Reason I Liked Watching Delivery Man Again

Delivery Man is a good flick

If you have not already heard about Delivery Man, let me give you the rundown. David Wazniak (Vince Vaughn) is a slacker. He drives the meat truck for his family’s business, is not a responsible boyfriend, and he finds out he is the father of 533 kids, due to donations at the fertility clinic. David finds out that some of his children want to meet him, and are planning to take David to court. Chris Pratt, who plays David’s lawyer is great in the movie. He’s a father, a mess, but he loves David and want to help him. He gives David simple directions to stay away from his kids, but David does not listen. He just has to see a few of them for himself. I do not want to give the movie away for anyone who has not seen it. I always get so mad when I read something, and it tells me everything.

You can relate

The characters are like real people, and it’s easy to get attached to them. I found several parts of the movie where I could relate to what they were experiencing. Sure, the 533 kids is out there, or is it?

It’s funny, but just enough to make it work

Delivery Man should not be all fun and games, it’s about a man who finds out he has 533 kids, AND later finds out his girlfriend is pregnant. It cannot all be funny, or in my opinion it would not be as good as it is. In my opinion Delivery, Man has the perfect mix of funny. There are parts of the film where I busted up, most of the comedy is David getting himself into the mess he is in. Oh, and his lawyer buddy is great, there are a few parts you cannot help but giggle, because he is such a mess.


You’ll love Brett (Chris Pratt) in the film. I found myself rooting for David’s lawyer. He is a good man, raising his children, who cares about David, and nobody has confidence in him. Brett is David’s part-time lawyer, and full-time best friend. Brett is a good friend to David, he is honest, cares, and does a lot because he cares. Oh, come on and when have you ever seen Chris Pratt not play a good role. He’s great and plays a great role in the movie.
Being parents makes you feel proud, and your kids do not even have to do anything.

I am sure many of you have had that moment, when you just look at your kid and feel proud. You are proud to be in their lives, and part of who they are. They do not even have to do anything cool; you love them for who they are, and are proud of them no matter what.

Delivery Man isn’t has farfetched as one might think

I know 533 kids sounds a little crazy, but if you spend a little time googling the subject online you will find other men who have a ridiculous amount of children because they spend time donating to the world’s population. I found articles about fathers with more than 100 biological children. I was rather surprised when I learned how many articles I found.

Kids Don’t Listen

Another part, probably one of my favorite parts of the film was when Brett, David’s BFF says, “I can say anything I want in front of these kids they do not listen to me.” I do not know about you, but I can totally relate to that feeling, and when my husband watched that part, after he was done giggling he said “Hit that one on the nose did not he?”


I use a Post-it for everything. I am not going to tell you why I am mentioning it, but it’s one of the parts of the film that made me giggle.


I think many of us can relate to a time when we needed to find ourselves. As David embarks on his journey, it leads him to discover himself. I am not going to tell you about the end of the film, but David also learned that he could be a father.

I cried, and I never cry!

True story, not many movies make me ball like a baby. The only one that I truly cried my eyes out watching was The Notebook, great movie, but dang. Well, I cried during Delivery Man. See David finds out he has a handicap son, who is in a wheelchair. It’s something I was able to relate to. Most of you know my stepson is handicap, and it took me way back to the days when I did not know what to do, or how to handle the situation. It seriously made me remember things that I had forgotten. Of course, I cried during the end of the movie, because of the conversation that David and his father have too. There is something about those conversations coming from dads that make me tear up. It was heartfelt and real, something I could see my father doing. I do not know; you might not cry, but I did. Which means; I personally like Delivery Man. It’s a real movie, with real emotions.

I honestly wish Delivery Man would have received more credit. It’s a good flick, and it seems like it did not get the attention it deserved. Plus, some of those movie critics… Well, I just don’t know in my opinion, you need to review things with an open mind that not everyone is going to think like you. Rather than blowing things up, and saying how horrible something is, tell people everything. Sure, if you did not like it, I want to know why, but I also want to know why I might like it. I do not know, I never agree with those movie critics. If they say it’s horrible, 90% of the time it’s a movie I am going to love!

Have you seen Delivery Man yet? If so let me know what you thought of the movie.

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M.Clark April 3, 2014 - 9:05 pm

I have not seen Delivery Man yet, but I am really looking forward to seeing it on DVD. I don’t pay attention to what the critics say, because it’s just an opinion and I have my own opinions. Thank you for sharing this post.

Shannon April 2, 2014 - 10:14 pm

I am not a big Vince Vaughn fan so I would not watch this, thank you for the review.


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