5 Tips To Help You Stay Positive While Trying to Conceive

by Jenn Brockman

Some of us are lucky and get pregnant right away, but it takes time for other, and it can get a little difficult to stay positive. I got pregnant with my first child in less than two months, but things have not always been that easy. We’re currently trying for another and no luck yet, there have been a few false alarms, which doesn’t make things any easier.

5 Tips To Help You Stay Positive While Trying to Conceive5 Tips To Help You Stay Positive While Trying to Conceive

However, I know it’s important to keep my head up, and no get discourage. Staying positive will help me in the long run, and here are a few things I’m currently doing to keep my head up.


Take time for yourself each day and just breathe. Whether it’s a walk or alone time on the porch, it’s about taking a few minutes, taking a deep breath, and just relaxing.

Talk to your spouse

I love my husband; he is amazing, and I don’t know what I would do without him. He also helps me keep a level head about things. I have a tendency to get worked up and overreact. He helps bring me back to a balanced place and reminds me that all good things are worth waiting for. He also reminds me that it hasn’t been that long since we started our journey.

Keeping track

I think it’s important to keep track of how long you have been trying to conceive because it can not only help you identify if you need to see a professional, but it can also help keep you grounded. My husband and I haven’t been trying to conceive that long when I go back and look at my journal, but when I think about it in my mind, it seems like we have been trying forever. Knowing exactly how long we have been attempting to conceive helps to keep me grounded.

Release the negativity

Write, get all those negative feelings out on a piece of paper. It’s important to get those feelings out so you can remain positive while trying to conceive.

Have fun practicing

Having sex with your partner should always be fun. Enjoy the fact that you are having sex more and have fun with one another. Try going out on date nights and just enjoying time together.

5 Tips To Help You Stay Positive While Trying to ConceiveAttempting to conceivemost likely means you and your partner will be enjoying more intimate time together,, so you may turn to a product to relieve vaginal dryness. It’s important to remember that when you are trying to conceive,, you have to provide an environment in whichhich the sperm can survive. Environmental conditions are affected by things like pH levels, osmolality, and the consistency of the egg-white cervical mucus. So many traditional lubricants can affect these conditions in a negative way, making it harder for the sperm to survive. This is why you may want to consider using a product like Astroglide TTC, which is compatible with oocytes, embryos, and sperm. It allows the sperm to move freely,, unlike other traditional lubricants.

5 Tips To Help You Stay Positive While Trying to ConceiveAstroglide helps to temporarily relieve vaginal dryness during sexual activity but is specially formulated with adjusted pH levels, compatible osmolality and consistency which is more like that of your own cervical mucus which is less likely to hinder sperm motility than other traditional lubricants. It also contains glucose, which is naturally found in semen, as well as fructose, which is the main source of energy for sperm.

Astroglide TTC comes in pre-filled applicators, so it is easy to use and less messy because you don’t need to fill them yourself. It can be purchased for only $12.99, the best value compared to other competitors.

Astroglide TTCTMM sponsored this blog post. The opinions and text are all mine

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