Brain Chase | Kids Summer Activities To Prevent Summer Learning Loss

by Jenn Brockman

It’s almost summer and I’m excited to bring you this post about kids summer activities to prevent summer learning loss sponsored by Brain Chase.  We’re excited about Brain Chase and the summer adventure they invite our children on to keep their brains avtively engaged in something fun and educational!  Like many of you I am looking forward to spending extra time with my children, but I am already thinking kids summer activates, like Brain Chase to help prevent my kids from summer learning loss.  Did you know according to the

Like many of you I am looking forward to spending extra time with my children, but I am already thinking kids summer activates, like Brain Chase to help prevent my kids from summer learning loss.  Did you know according to the National Summer Learning Association that many underserved and low-income students will suffer from up to three months of summer learning loss in math and reading.  While children with are better resources, might show slight increase in reading over the summer months? 

It’s a great time for parents to start considering kids summer activates to prevent summer learning loss. So what are some kids summer activates to prevent learning loss?  The good news is there are plenty of ways to help promote learning in the summer without stopping the fun, like Brain Chase.

Kids Summer Activities To Prevent SummerBrian Chase | Kids Summer Activities To Prevent Summer Learning Loss

We are LOVING Brian Chase, it’s online learning at it’s finest.  They help to get students ahead of the game and are an awesome motivator for kids.  Brian Case is an online summer enrichment program that’s FUN.  We had the opportunity to get on a call to learn more about Brian Chase and their action packed animations, super-cool mysterious packages in the mail, and the summer hunt for be3ries treasure that turns into a awesome adventure.  The coolest part for parents and kids is that Brian Chase is flexible; you do the challenge you want, when, where and at your own pace.  It’s customized so you work at your own level! 

For the most part, my kids love summer, but by the time school rolls around they are chomping at the bit to go back to school.  It’s not necessarily seeing their friends they are excited about, it’s the whole adventure – learning, having a schedule, and something to do during the day, because lets face it as a child summer can get boring.  We all can’t be on vacation all summer long and my children enjoy learning. 

brian chase logoWhich is why I’m so excited for the awesome summer adventure Brain Chase takes children on.  Brian Chase gets kids away from the mindless activities, TV, and movies and promotes summer learning in a fun, totally rocking way!  

Where is Brain Chase Available?

This amazing treasure hunt is a five-week learning program and is available to students everywhere and registration for Brain Chasee is open now and will close on June 28th.  Get your spot now, prices increase April 16th – visit  Everything will launch on Monday June 22, 2015, but the treasure hunt will not end until the Sunstone of Cortes has been found. 

This year students are trying to find where the Sunstone of Cortes is buried, and remember it can be ANYWHERE in the world.  Isn’t that neat?  To make things even cooler the Sunstone isn’t just fiction, there REALLY is a golden Sunstone of Cortes and $10,000 buried somewhere on the globe! 

Who is Brain Chase for?

Brain Chase is a 5-week online summer learning adventure for students in 2nd through 12, but they anticipate students in 2nd through 8th grade are most likely to be motivated by the awesome animations and super fun treasure hunt…  However, I think I would be motivated by the adventure myself.  Seriously, it’s cool stuff!

brian chaseHow does Brain Chase work?

Brain Chase’s adventure uses a combination of online educational tools, awesome animations, and super cool mysterious packages to bring your child an awesome learning experience.  Each week during the five week’s your child will follow the same pattern.  There will be a short animated webisode, which will be available at 9am EST every Monday morning.  The webisodes are to take your child to the next chapter and help them locate a golden treasure as well as find clues so they can locate the missing adventurer. 

After your child has watched the video they will head over to the student dashboard and start on their academic challenges – math, reading and writing.  There is also a bonus challenge they can take.  When they have completed their work, their dashboard will automatically unlock more video to continue the adventure.

Each week your child will be provided with four tasks, which include:

  • Reading for 15 minutes each day.
  • Writing a journal entry.
  • Earning 10,000 points on Khan Academy
  • Bonus Challenge

Be sure your child watches the video closely, maybe even again because the videos are loaded with hidden clues!  These clues can help them find the location of the real treasure.  Students can make one guess every 24 hours and the first student to guesses the correct location will win the3 prize. 

Pare3nts will receive a weekly email with their students’ progress, which is a great time to sit down and talk about the journey.  Be sure to give them some encouragement, it’s a long, but rewarding journey, and you can always view their account online. 

I think one of my favorite things about Brain Chase, aside from the adventure and learning, is the fact that there is no shortcut.  Sure, we can all fall behind and they understand that at Brain Chase, but there are no shortcuts to the adventure.  In my opinion, this is a great life lesson, sure we all fall behind, but you have to work to catch up…  Thanks, Brain Chase!

Brian Chase - the treasure huntThe treasure hunt

This I the cool part! The student that wins the treasure wins a trip with one parent to the treasure location and will be filmed digging up the treasure.  After that, the treasure and the scholarship for $10,000 are theirs to keep. 

Brian Chase - the treasure huntBrian Chase - the treasure huntBrian Chase - the treasure huntBrian Chase - the treasure huntBrian Chase - the treasure hunt

We received a few awesome tools in the mail to give us an idea of how the adventure with Brain Chase would work and my daughter is already chomping at the bit to get started.  

Check out The Sunstone of Cortes – Summer 2015 First Look video.

SAVE 15 % on Brain Chase

We are super excited to be able to offer you a 15% discount on this amazing learning adventure with Brain Chase.

summer learning

To take advantage of this 15% discount simple, use coupon code JennsBlahBlahBlog15 and head on over to!

For more information on Brain Chase and how the program works you can check out the below video or visit their website at

We’re loving Brain Chase, it’s one of my favorite kids summer activities to prevent summer learning loss!  Be sure to leave me a comment and let me know what you like most about this learning adventure.

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