Choosing The Perfect Kids Card To Say It In a Big Way!

by Jenn Brockman

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I love love receiving and giving cards, especially when you know you found the perfect card for someone you care about.  It says just the right things, and you know they’ll keep it because it means something to them.  On the flip side, I have such a hard time finding kids cards.  It doesn’t matter if it’s my kids, or our nephews, they always end up pushed to the side, and I kick myself because they didn’t even read them.  How in the world do you get kids cards they’ll like?    

Well problem solved!  I finally cracked the code for the perfect kids cards.  So far my nephew and all four of my children all received the same type of card, different because they enjoy different characters and things, but they all LOVE them.  I have purchased cards for the kids in the past to say thank you, good job, and just to say I love you.  My oldest daughter keeps them, Vayda says she will but it’s not 20 mins and she lost it, Mattie is too little, and Bud he doesn’t care much about them either, lol.  So, it’s a pretty big deal for me, because I enjoy giving cards to people I care about.

This year for my nephew’s birthday we gave him a TV for his bedroom, and do you know he liked the card more.  YUP, see I’m telling you I finally cracked the code for the perfect cards for kids!  He turned 6 years old, and likes his card more than his brand new TV with DVD player – I didn’t see that one coming.  I guess I finally figured out how to choose the best kids card, it’s super easy too!  

Choosing the Perfect Kids Card!Choosing The Perfect Kids Card 

  • Size matters – When you’re a child, the price doesn’t matter nearly as much as a huge card, lol. I can’t speak for all children, but my four children and my nephew have all LOVED the Hallmark’s Poster Cards from Walmart.  They are huge, big enough to hang on the wall, and perfect for any occasion.
  • Appreciate their interests and likes – If you know your child like Spider Man, or the Disney Princesses try and stick with the things they are like and interested in. Just like adults, they’ll like it and probably keep it as long as they can – especially if they can hand it on their wall. 
  • Be creative – You don’t have to be an awesome crafter to come up with cute ideas kids can do with cards. My daughter Vayda recently started a scrapbook of cards, it’s fun, something she can hang on to, have fun with, and show her friends and family. If you want to do something awesome you can grab one of Hallmark’s awesome kids cards that say something special, have plenty of room for you to write something sweet, everyone to sign, and they can be hung on the wall. Now, these are not just any poster either, they are HUGE! 
  • Think like a child – We all have a little bit of child left in us. Think back to when you were a child, have fun, and be creative!

Okay, so I am totally busted!  I’m not the worlds best card picker, I didn’t search high and low for cards for the kids, and the tips all lead Hallmark’s Kids Poster Cards!  They really are the coolest cards you’ll find, the kids love them, and you can grab them while you’re at Walmart.  

Hallmark Poster Cards At WalmartYes, it’s true you can get the Hallmark Kids Poster Cards from Walmart.  I found them with all the other cards, together, and nicely organized.  As you can see there is a nice selection too.  

cards for kidsHallmark Kids Poster Cards Help You Say It In a Big Way

Kids are awesome because they truly love you no matter what! You might want to get them the best card, and coolest gift, but at the end of the day all they care about is that you are there. Well, until they are teens, lol. In that case, the poster cards are perfect too! Catie loved hers so much she took it to school to show her friends before she put it up in her room. 

Kids Birthday Card Ideas

After seeing how cool Corbin’s poster card was I couldn’t help myself, I had to go back and get one for all the kids.  Yes, all the kids now have a poster card on their wall.  I just want them to know, without a doubt their parents are proud of them, and notice how well they are doing in and out of school.  I’m truly blessed to have these children in my life, they remind me every single day how awesome my life is.  The Hallmark Kids Poster Cards are a thoughtful gift, and the perfect way to tell your kids you care. 

kids poster cardsDon’t think the Hallmark Kids Poster Card is only for birthdays, because kids will love them for any reason.  Corbin received a How to Train Your Dragon 2 poster card for his birthday, but my kids all received poster cards to encourage them to keep up the good work in school.  They all started out strong this year, have awesome grades, are motivated, and we want to encourage them to keep it up.  Catie has Spider Man on her wall, Bud has Guardians of the Galaxy, Veda has Austin, and Mattie has Ariel.  Of course, my husband and I had plenty of room to tell our children, how much we care on the inside of the card.  The kids love the idea of it being on their wall, and being something they can look at and remember why they received it, and why it’s so special to them.  See, but this time they will actually keep the cards!  YEPIE!

hallmark poster cardsThe Hallmark Kids Poster Cards are a great way to say thank you to a child, and something they’ll love seeing on their wall. Shawn and I made a deal with the girls, since we’re remodeling the house they want their rooms done too. Well, we told them they had to work on keeping things picked up, and taking care of their responsibilities and we would. Vayda has a terrible track record when it comes to taking care of anything, but she’s been doing surprisingly well. I actually didn’t even think about it, but Vayda let me know that having the new poster up motivated her to keep up with her room too, because she loves how it looks on her wall, and cannot wait until her room is updated the way she likes it.

Oh, before I forget!  One of my favorite things about purchasing Hallmark cards is the Hallmark Card Rewards Program!  If you’re not already part of it, be sure to check it out.  You can earn rewards for the Hallmark cards you buy at Walmart, and for every 5 cards you buy, you’ll earn a reward. 

Thanks Collective Bias (#CollectiveBias) and Hallmark for allowing me to be part of this awesome campaign, share my experiences, and hopefully help others find great cards for their children.

Be sure to check out the Hallmark Connections website.  You’ll be able to sign up for the Hallmark Card Reward Program, and see awesome content from other bloggers.  Join the #KidsCards conversation on Twitter!

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