How To Attract New Customers With Local SEO

by Jenn

If you’re a local business owner, you know how important it is to attract new customers. With thriving competitors all around you, one of the best ways to gain an edge in business is with local SEO. You can also learn about tactics for plumber seo and strategically optimizing your website and online presence for local search will help potential customers find you, especially when they’re looking for a business like yours closest to them.

Keep reading to learn more about how you can use a local SEO strategy to bring in more customers and grow your business.

Master and Optimize Your Google My Business Listings

One of the best ways to ensure that potential new customers find your business in your area is to make sure that your Google My Business (GMB) listing is optimized. This includes ensuring all of your information is correct and up-to-date, including your address, hours of operation, website URL, and contact information.

Ensure you also tweak your Google product listings with localized and competitive keywords that potential customers are likely to use when searching for businesses like yours. For example, if you own a plastic surgery clinic, you might include relevant keywords such as “plastic surgery near me” or “cosmetic surgeon in my area,” as noted on

Keep an Eye on Competitors’ Google My Business Q&As

Your competitors’ Google My Business Q&As are a data treasure trove for your own business. You’ll want to keep an eye on the questions they are answering or not answering. If they’re not answering certain questions, you can swoop in and answer them first, which will increase your chances of ranking well in the organic results.

If they’re answering questions, ensure you aren’t making the same mistakes as them or doing anything differently than what they’re doing, if they are successful. Google My Business Q&As are a great way to show your expertise and knowledge about your product or service. Optimize your feedback when providing helpful answers to people’s questions.

Shape Your Local SEO Strategy With Local Data

To have a successful local SEO strategy, you need to create optimized content for your local audience. To do this, it’s important to understand your customers’ needs and how they are using search engines today. To achieve these goals, there are two critical pieces of information you need: 

  • Data about where customers are searching from
  • What they’re searching for

With access to this localized data, you’ll be able to customize your content for each location and search term and monitor how different geographies are performing, as well as which keywords they’re using. With the right data, you can shape your local SEO strategy to increase your organic search visibility in the places you serve. 

Integrate Local Marketing Campaigns Across Channels

Local SEO is important, but you’ll also want to integrate your local marketing campaigns across channels. This ensures that all of your efforts are consistent and cohesive with one another. For example, if you’re running a local TV ad campaign or social media campaign, ensure your website and social media accounts are updated with the same branding and messaging.

Integrated local marketing campaigns are more likely to be successful than those that are not integrated. Focus your local SEO efforts on the channels that will be most effective for your business, and make sure all of your campaigns are working together to achieve the same goal. 

Don’t Stop There

Once you have implemented local SEO best practices, don’t stop there. Continue to track your progress, monitor the results of each campaign, and make changes as needed. Also, be sure to keep up with the latest trends and changes in the industry so that you can stay ahead of the competition. 

Don’t forget about reputation management and customer service. A strong reputation can help your company’s local SEO, while poor customer service will hurt it. So, ensure your company focuses on providing high-quality customer service every time and quality products or services.

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