Sleep Better with Camomile Tea

by Jenn

Perhaps you’ve enjoyed a warm mug of camomile tea before, but never really thought about the benefits of including it in your daily routine. Camomile is a commonly-grown herb that’s been used in many ways, with its use dating back to ancient Egypt. One of the primary reasons it’s used today is to aid with sleeping since it doesn’t contain caffeine. You can find camomile tea packs on most supermarket shelves. If you have trouble getting to sleep at night, it might be worth giving this herbal tea a try.

Why Sleep Is Important

Before deciding how you’re going to treat your sleep problems, it’s a good idea to understand why sleep is so vital to your overall health. Lack of sleep is associated with lower concentration and reaction speeds, which increases the risk of accidents and injuries and can make it difficult to perform at school or work. Not getting adequate amounts of sleep is also linked to a higher risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke and diabetes. Without the recommended 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night for adults, you also run the risk of suffering from depression and weight gain. Keep reading to find out the benefits of camomile tea when it comes to getting the rest you need.

Why is Camomile an Aid to Sleep?

There are many camomile tea benefits, and the compounds that make up the tea are the reason why. Camomile, such as that you can buy from the Kent & Sussex Tea Company, contains apigenin, which is an antioxidant that binds with receptors in your brain and can help reduce anxiety and induce sleepiness. One study finds that 400mg of camomile at bedtime improves sleep quality when compared to those who don’t take any. Further research is lacking, but there’s no harm in giving camomile a try to see if it’s one of the many natural remedies that can help you get the sleep your body craves.

Camomile is Caffeine Free

Another reason why camomile tea may be beneficial at bedtime is that it doesn’t contain any caffeine. Caffeine is a substance that’s in coffee and most kinds of black tea and works to wake up your body and brain. Ingesting caffeine too close to bedtime can interfere with proper sleep and keep you awake. Choosing camomile at bedtime can help you unwind with a mug of tea without the potential sleep problems that other kinds of tea can promote. Part of the reason why tea is ideal at bedtime is that it’s a ritual that can help you relax and fall asleep. One of the primary benefits of camomile tea is that it won’t get in the way of your rest.

Making Camomile Tea

The right preparation of your tea is important for getting the most out of it at bedtime. Start by placing your tea bag or tea infuser in a mug and cover it with boiling water. Allow the tea to steep for at least 3 minutes. You can then add honey or sugar as desired, though the sweet stuff can also get in the way of sleep so go easy with it, and then sip it slowly, allowing your body to unwind and prepare for bed. Look for camomile tea at supermarkets and health food stores.

Camomile Tea Cautions

As with anything, there are some cautionary measures to take when using camomile to sleep. If you have a pollen allergy, you will want to forgo camomile as it can cause an allergic reaction. Drinking camomile tea affects everyone differently so be on the lookout for possible side effects. They include nausea and vomiting. If you are taking a blood thinner, talk to your doctor before making camomile tea part of your night-time routine.

What Else is Camomile Good For?

If you find that the benefits of camomile as a tea don’t work for your sleep habits, there are other reasons to drink it. It’s one of many natural remedies for menopause. You can live better with menopause since camomile research has found that herbal remedies can help reduce the incidence of hot flashes. Camomile can also help reduce the pain associated with menstruation, may help regulate blood sugar in diabetes patients, prevent osteoporosis, reduce inflammation, assist with cancer treatment and treat symptoms of the common cold. Of course, you should always talk to your doctor before using camomile to treat any health conditions.

As you can see, there are a variety of reasons to try camomile tea. Add it to your bedtime routine and you could soon be getting the best sleep of your life.

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