Ways to Cut Down on Your Home’s Energy Use This Summer 

by Jenn

Energy is one of the most vital sectors in the world today. The scarcity of natural resources has played a role in the soaring energy prices. It is critical to devise efficient ways to reduce your home’s energy use this summer. Here are a few tips on how you can achieve this. 

Switch Off Standby

You can save energy costs by simply turning off appliances in standby mode. Alternatively, you can buy a smart plug or standby saver, which is reliable because it turns off all your gadgets at once. It is also helpful to establish which appliances consume the most energy so that you can make sure they are unplugged or turned off. 

Invest in Draught-Proof Windows and Doors

It is usual for heat to escape from homes through the chimneys, windows, and doors. Draught-proofing helps keep the heat from escaping from these small, or large, opening. It is best to seek professional draught-proofing services. However, if you cannot afford the services, you can do DIY draught-proofing. This is a helpful tool in prepping for the coming winter when energy prices soar and you need to keep in as much heat as possible. 

Turn Off Lights

Before leaving any room in your house, switch off the lights. Additionally, it is advisable to replace your lights with LED bulbs to help you save energy. This simple task will not only spare you from changing your light bulbs as frequently but will lower your bill.

If you work from home, consider placing your work station near a window. Find ways to utilize natural light during the day. You’ll be amazed how much a room can light up from having the blinds open. This is an easy way to save on light costs. 

Top Up the Insulation

Insulating your radiators, pipes, and water tanks play a crucial role in reducing energy consumption. Poor insulation in homes results in immense heat loss. Make sure to go for newer types of insulation if your budget permits, as the other types of old insulation may not be as effective and valuable. Aside from lowering the energy bills, it will also enhance your comfort. Roof repair is significant to this as well. This is essential to fix not only for summer weather but especially before winter hits. A good roof is a primary means of proper heating and cooling, and damage here will show up in your bills. 

Be Careful With Your Washing

You can prevent a spike in energy consumption by mitigating your washing machine use. Try to get the most bang for your buck by washing larger loads. This way, you are not using the machine as often but still performing the essential task. 

Avoid the Tumble Dryer

The tumble dryer uses a lot of energy to dry clothes. This summer, you can save your energy by drying your clothes outside where the weather is warm. Alternatively, you can dry the clothes using racks. In dryer climates, you can even use indoor drying racks. These work great if you do not have a yard or patio to hang laundry outside. This simple swap can save a lot of energy! 

Spend Less Time in the Shower

Taking a shower for four minutes or less can help reduce energy consumption. Another trick is when lathering, turn off the water. Since lathering involves moving away from the water’s reach, it’s an easy way of consuming less. This, in combination, with shorter showers can make a big difference.  

You can also try swapping your bath for a four-minute shower. People prefer to take long baths, which ultimately consumes more energy. Save your baths for special occasions or when your body is sore and really needs it. 

Fill your Dishwasher

When handling your dishwasher, make sure you run it only when full. If you need the dishes right away and can’t wait for a full load, consider hand washing. By doing this, you will save water and energy. If you only run your dishwasher when full, you will see a difference in both your utility and energy bills. 

Energy consumption spikes in winter and summer, leading to soaring energy bills. However, there are specific measures you can take to cut down on your home’s energy use. By following these tips, you will see a significant difference in the amount you can save.

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