What does family mean to you? They are without a doubt the most important, precious part of my life. I don’t know what I would do without each of them. Each one of them plays a very special, important role in my life and I would do anything for them. Family, it’s the people I can be me with, no matter what I can be me and know without a doubt they love me because I’m me. We talk about anything and everything. My family is like my best friend on steroids!
The family is about forgiving! No matter the argument or disagreement we forgive and forget, move in and get over whatever difference we have.
A family is about being a mother, father, brother, sister, grandparent, aunt, uncle, and so on. In my family blood has nothing to do with what makes us a family. I have three step children, which from an outsider looking in you would never know they are my stepchildren because in our eyes that word doesn’t exist. I have been their mom as far back as they can remember and earned the title mom. Just because you have a child doesn’t make you mom or dad. In my opinion mom, dad, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, etc. they are all titles you earn from being there and being a part of a family.
The more important family is what we should all be celebrating this holiday season. The holidays a special because they bring a family together in a unique and extraordinary way. Which means time for smiles, laughter, games, happiness and unconditional love.