Meditate for happiness and positivity in just 15 minutes! Quieting your mind can make you happier, and less prone to negativity.
What’s the key to happiness? You might think happiness is found in a new car, a luxurious vacation, or when falling in love.
How to Meditate for Happiness and Positivity in 15 Minutes a Day
But before you start looking on the outside for happiness, why not try an inner journey? If you meditate for happiness and positivity for just 15 minutes it can instantly brighten your day.Don’t be intimidate or think you need to be an expert to use this great self-help tool. Try these tips to use meditation for happiness:
Start Small
Before you start meditating for 15 minutes a day, why not start small? You can set a timer for 5 minutes or 3 minutes to start. Some people even just sit quietly for a long 10 count to begin. Work your way up slowly.
Retreat From The Outside World
Find a quiet place. You will likely want to turn off your phone and find somewhere you will be uninterrupted.
Set a Timer
Worried you will fall asleep? Have an appointment you just can’t miss. You can buy a small digital timer or set the time on your phone. Just make sure you turn the ringer off so you won’t be disturbed.
Sit Still and Breathe
Sitting still and breathing is crucial to successful meditation. Don’t worry if your mind wanders. When you catch yourself following a train of thought, just pause and focus on your breath.
Inspirational Books and Instruction
There are many cultures and spiritual leaders that practice meditation. You don’t need to look far for further instruction in many types of meditation.
A trip to the library or a visit to YouTube will offer instructional courses and tips on how to learn more. Meditation is like any other practice. You can always get better and achieve better results.
Ease Your Pain
More than 10% of American adults report they are in a lot of pain. Chronic pain can greatly diminish the quality of life. Not to mention the incredible discomfort and frustration it can bring.
Meditation doesn’t just improve mindfulness and happiness. Practicing meditation can also help you learn how to decrease your pain.
In many cases, your brain remembers other occasions and memories when you were in pain. This works to intensify the pain you are feeling. But brain scans reveal a meditation practice can decrease your pain. While you should learn more about physical treatment for your pain, meditation will also help.
Meditate For Happiness As Part of Your Healthy Living Plan
The best doctors and health professionals will encourage anyone to focus on a holistic approach to wellness. Healthy living means taking care of mind, body, and spirit.
Just like you can’t eat junk food all day and then go to the gym and expect a healthy physique, you can’t ignore your spiritual and mental well-being.
While some people balk at meditation because they think they don’t have the time, there is good news. When you meditate for happiness on a daily basis you will make all the other hours of the day easier.
Wonder how you’ll find the time? How about before you work out?
Strong mind, strong body. Come find out what else to do before you hit the gym.