Strep Throats Symptoms? iTest The At Home Strep Test, Flu Test & More

by Jenn Brockman

Wouldn’t an at home strep test like iTest be nice?  Like most, anytime my loved ones or myself has had strep throat symptoms we’ve had to visit the doctor’s office for a strep test, because strep throat symptoms are not enough to determine whether we have strep.  

Many of us have had strep throat, but did you know if left untreated it can turn into a dangerous infection?  Yes, it most definitely can.  Of course, there are different kinds of strep throat and some are worse than others.  Since strep throat is dangerous, it’s critical we know whether we need to see a doctor for antibiotics.  However, because I’m a mom and often freak out, I end up hauling my kids to the doctor as soon as any strep throat symptoms occur because we need a strep test to determine whether its strep throat.

Strep Throats Symptoms iTest The At Home Strep Test, Flu Test & MoreWhat Are Strep Throats Symptoms? 

There are several strep throat symptoms, which generally include:

  • Sore Throat
  • Difficult to swallow
  • Swollen tonsils and lymph nodes
  • Tiny red spots on the roof of your mouth
  • Swollen lymph nodes that are often tender
  • Headache
  • Rash
  • Fever
  • Stomach-ache
  • Vomiting
  • Fatigue

As you may already know, it is possible to have several of these symptoms and not have strep throat.  Did you know it is also possible to have strep throat and not have a sore throat?  Which is why there are tests specifically for strep throat, and thanks to iTest, an at home strep test, we can test for strep, flu, and cholesterol levels without visiting a doctor. 

Influenza symptoms tend to include sore throat, headache, fever, muscle aches, cough, and vomiting to name a few.  The symptoms of influenza sound a lot like the signs of strep throat, especially when you have a young child and they don’t know the difference or how to fully explain to you what’s going on.   This, of course, can be nerve-racking for a parent because we want to know without a doubt that our babies are going to be okay.  

Anytime my kids are sick I follow them around, making sure they have everything they need and keeping track of their symptoms. Doing this often leads to an unnecessary trip to the doctor or even worse, a 2 a.m. trip to the ER to find out that the strep throat symptoms I had worried about were only the common cold.  All in all, that wouldn’t be too bad, but the copay and time it takes to get answers can make me sick.  However, I will do it again if needed because it’s better to be safe than sorry, especially when it comes to my children.  

With iTest there is no more guessing based on strep throat symptoms, you can test at home or wherever you are when you need to. Excitedly, this is a product I’m currently supporting on because it’s likely going to be in my home 100% of the time.     

Strep Throats Symptoms iTest The At Home Strep Test, Flu TestiTest The At Home Strep Test, Influenza Test & More

iTest is a medical test powered by your smartphone.  Yes, your smartphone!  iTest will allow users to say bye-bye to the days of stressing about influenza, cholesterol levels, and strep throat symptoms and test when and wherever they need.  No more guessing based on strep throat symptoms, flu symptoms, or wondering.  Thanks to iTest you can test quickly and conveniently wherever you are.

iTest - Healthcare in your hands 4iTest the first at home strep test, influenza test, and a cholesterol tracker

iTest will allow us to test for not only strep throat, but the flu and cholesterol levels in the comfort of our home. 

iTest is the first of its kind and designed with you and me in mind, not for hospitals.  When you, your kids, or loved ones feel like their throat is getting sore or start coughing you can use iTest to find out if it’s strep or just a cold.   Well, with iTest we can find out before heading to the doctor or ER if the trip is even necessary and get answers about our health anytime we need it. 

How Does iTest Work?

There are different consumables used to test for strep, influenza, and cholesterol.  If you want to test for strep, select “Strep” in the iTest App and add a blue consumable.  To test for influenza just select “Influenza” in the iTest App and use the green consumable, and orange for cholesterol. 

iTest App - 6 Take a Sample animation

Using iTest is easy and can be used anytime and anywhere.  The iTest is as portable as your smartphone so you can use it when you need it.  Whether you’re camping or at home iTest is easy to use, and it even extends your battery life so you can use it without worrying about using your phone.   

Using iTest is EASY

Using iTest is a 3-step process which includes:

  • Taking a sample using the iTest Sampler.
  • Inserting the sampler into the consumable.
  • Sliding the consumable into the iTest consumable port.

flu RenderAs of now you can use iTest with iPhones, but you can also test with an iPod Touch.  They’re planning to build a version that works with Android. 

itest at home strep test

With iTest, you can test yourself or your loved ones  for flu, strep, cholesterol levels, etc. at home.  Mom’s can test their child for any of the viruses above (including others) without having to wait at the doctor’s office. It is a lab-quality test that can be completed quickly, accurately, and inexpensively. (Less than a copay) iTest will help save parents money and give them the peace of mind that their child’s health care is in their hands.

iTest is currently developing even more tests too!  

Support iTest on Indiegogo

iTest wants to give you the opportunity to preorder iTest on their crowd funding page so you can have iTest healthcare in your hands.  

Descue, the makers of iTest, need your help to finish optimizing, testing and manufacturing iTest.  With every experiment and prototype iteration, they get closer to turning iTest into the high-quality product that will give you new inside into your health, and it’s done all from your smartphone.  As you can see, they have come a long way since they first came up with the idea for iTest, and it’s a fabulous idea that offers users peace of mind while saving them time and money. 

They have been working on iTest for two years, and they need our help to make this a reality.

I’m all about iTest and supporting what they’re doing, which is why I’ve already been to their crowd funding page to show my support. Plus, they’re offering some pretty awesome perks if you choose to take advantage of them, and if you would rather just donate that’s okay too.  

So head on over and visit the Descue Medical crowd funding campaign and help make iTest a reality – the very first medical test designed specifically for us! 

To learn more about iTest visit them on Facebook, Twitter and their website at

This is a sponsored post on behalf of Descue Medical the makers of iTest written by me.  All opinions are 100% my own.

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