5 Easy Tips on Using Essential Oils for a Happier Life

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For thousands of years, civilized people knew. Plants and the oils produced them have very powerful properties. Modern medicine turned it’s back on using these “folk” remedies. Science works hard to find remedies for illnesses, and we are all grateful for their hard work and dedication. Some things are just too funny to pass by. For example, healers have uses red lover for hundreds of years to treat respiratory problems and inflammation. Modern medicine gave it little thought. But recent studies show that red clover increases blood circulation, lowers cholesterol, and helps prevent heart disease.

Authors note: Essential oils are strong. They almost always must be diluted. Never use an essential oil medication until you know the safe levels. It is wise to check with your medical doctor before taking any medication, especially if you are on medications for a current condition.

5 Easy Tips on Using Essential Oils for a Happier LifeEssential oil

  • Tip 1 – All essential oil is not created equally. Manufacturers know how much of an ingredient they must add to be able to claim it and stay within the law. Just because the bottle is purple and it reads

“with lavender” on the cover does not mean it has enough lavender or that the lavender is pure. Doing this gives you peace of mind that your family is breathing cleanly. Made With Oils has the list of best lavender oil brands that will help you choose the right one, as well as the complete uses guide.

It is important to do some research before buying a product that claims to be made with oil.

  • Tip 2  – Essential oils reduce clutter and give you more cabinet space. This allows you to add oils to a diffuser that will calm you and allow you to relax.

Get rid of all those half-empty bottles of cleaners filled with chemicals. A few drops of essential oils mixed with water gives you a powerful cleaner that is an antibacterial.  Here are a few of the essential oils that are healthy, smell great, and clean beautifully.

Note: you will come up with your own recipe or you can look them up online. My standard mixture starts with 16-20 ounces of warm water, ¼ – ½ cup of apple vinegar. You can use vinegar, rubbing alcohol, or vodka. I also make counter wipes from this mixture. A plastic container with a lid, some washcloths whole, or cut into quarters. Fill the container with your mixture and seal with a tight lid. When you want to wipe off counters, appliances, and bathroom fixtures, squeeze excess liquid from the cloth, then use the cloth to clean. When you are finished, toss it in the wash.

5 Easy Tips on Using Essential Oils for a Happier Life

Depending on what you are cleaning, you can add 10 drops of tea tree oils, and 6 drops of lemon.

  • Tip 3 – Essential oils will keep mice, ants, and other pests from your home. Use your basic cleaning mixture and wipe out drawers and cabinets. Mop your floors, paying close attention to the baseboards and doors. When they have dried, use a spray bottle of 16 – 20 ounces of water with 10 drops of peppermint oil. Let them dry before refilling the drawers. Once a month spritz the baseboards. Spray the drawers and cabinets everytime you change your shelf paper.
  • Tip 4 – Do you feel tired? Have you lost your motivation? Essential oils especially uplifting essentail oils can give you energy, focus, and elevate your mood naturally. 
  • Lavender oil enhances concentration and energy.
  • Rosemary oil is a stimulant, allowing you to maintain energy
  • Mint is used for digestive problems.
  • Tip 5 – Essential Oils for weight loss

Obesity is a common problem. People will try just about anything to drop a few pounds. They will drink powders, take pills, starve themselves and ruin their health. If you want to lose weight and restore your healthy life, turn to natural essential oils. The internet is full with various instructions on how to use the essential oils for this purpose, so take a look around and find the essential oil that suits best your needs. A healthy and happy life is waiting for you. Just get back to nature and use the tools nature has provided.

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