Vaginal Health | Myths & Facts about Yeast Infections

by Jenn Brockman

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Talking about vaginal health and yeast infections isn’t always easy, but it’s necessary, and if you know us you know we like to speak about everything that makes a women uncomfortable because knowledge is power. Plus, the more we talk about things like vaginal health and yeast infections the more comfortable women become when it comes to talking about embarrassing health concerns.

Myths & Facts about Yeast InfectionsVaginal Health | Myths & Facts about Yeast Infections 

Here are a few myths and facts about yeast infections that you may or may not be aware of.

Can I treat a yeast infection with garlic?

FALSE: There are some who believe garlic can be used to treat a yeast infection, but it can worsen the infection. I don’t know about you, but inserting garlic into my girlie area isn’t something I’m willing to try anyway. SCARY and there is no any scientific proof that it does, in fact, cure a yeast infection, so there is no need to risk making things worse.

Does douching more hard than good?

TRUE: Did you know that douching isn’t even a recommended practice or approved by the medical community? So don’t try douching to get rid of a yeast infection or for any other reason either, it can worsen your infection and even cause other infections. Be safe, don’t try douching.

Having sex causes yeast infections?

FALSE: Lucky for us having sex doesn’t usually cause yeast infections. However, if you have a yeast infection, it might be wise to avoid sex until it’s better because it can be painful and increase inflammation.
Going swimming can cause a yeast infection?

Using a laptop can cause yeast infections?

FALSE: Using your laptop shouldn’t increase your risk of getting a yeast infection. Again, it’s important to keep your vaginal area dry. Since laptops can generate heat ti may cause you to perspire and like I mentioned earlier keeping things dry down there is always a good idea.

I can catch a yeast infection from swimming?

FALSE: Yeast infections are not contagious so you won’t catch it while swimming. However, a right fitting damp clothing is an ideal environment for yeast to grow. So you’ll want to make sure to change into clean and dry clothing after your finished swimming, running, working out or finished with any strenuous activities.

Scented hygiene products can cause yeast infections?

TRUE: Scented hygiene products like sprays, tampons, pads, and bubble bath have been associated with causing yeast infections. It’s also a good ideas to change your pads or tampons often while on your period, wear cotton underwear, wear clothes made of synthetic fibers, pantyhose with cotton crotch, and remember to change out of your swimsuit and working clothing as soon as possible.

Will yogurt help cure a yeast infection?

FALSE: Probiotics are known to help balance our your system, but applying, easting or inserting yogurt will not cure a yeast infection.

Vaginal Health  Myths and Facts about Yeast InfectionsCan yeast infections only be cured with prescription medication?

FALSE: Did you know that almost 23% of women believe that a yeast infection needs prescription medication to be cured? Yeast infections can be cured as efficiently with Over-the-Counter medications like MONISTAT®.

My daughters are getting older, and vaginal health is a subject we need to talk, and they need to know I am here for them with any questions. Did you know that more than 53% of young women say they do not know how to deal with a yeast infection? Oh, and two out of three do not know that a yeast infection can be cured with over the counter medication?  Which is why I thought this would be a perfect time to talk about the myths about yeast infections.

This is why it’s important for us to talk about these subjects with our daughters and lady friends. The more we talk about things like vaginal health, the easier it is. I remember being a young girl, I didn’t talk to my mom about anything personal, especially vaginal health. I didn’t have a bad mother, and I’m in no way upset with her, it’s just back then these sort of things were kept VERY private. Plus, I think I would have run away crying if my mom would have wanted to talk to me about the issue, but looking back I wish she would have. I wish it wouldn’t have been such a top secret subject because I did have questions and until recently I was embarrassed to talk about it.

MonistatThis is why our friends at MONISTAT® are launching their It’s Time for TMI campaign. When it comes to our bodies and our health, there isn’t such a thing as TMI, or there shouldn’t be. If talking about your vaginal health has been TMI, let’s change it and start talking educating ourselves and our loved ones.


Be sure to take the TMI quiz and test your knowledge about yeast infections AND get a free sample of the Chafing Relief Powder Gel® from MONISTAT™ Complete Care™ *while supplies last.  To learn more about vaginal health, how to cure yeast infections, and grab a money saving coupon for your next MONISTAT® purchase you can view these videos and visit

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AnnaZed August 17, 2015 - 1:53 pm

I am of a generation where we all read with fascination the book ‘Our Bodies, our Selves” (which has gone on to sell over 13 million copies worldwide) and that is the source of the myth that a yeast infection can somehow be cured by yogurt in ways that no serious person would ever want to contemplate; and there it is in the infographic. The monistat company has been fighting this ludicrous idea for over 45 years!

Daisy Rebecca Reyes August 14, 2015 - 12:02 pm

Thanks for sharing this post
Good tip to protect yourself


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