Did you know the Ronald McDonald House provided about 2.4 million overnight stays to families in 2016? Gosh, that is so amazing. It makes my heart full knowing there is a place such as the RMHC for families to spend more time with their sick children, interact with their children’s doctors, and to make important choices about their child’s care.
Through the Ronald McDonald House and Ronald McDonald Family Room programs, RMHC provides places for families with children who are sick to stay somewhere that is steps from the hospital that their child is receiving critical medical care at.
I honestly don’t know what my brother and sister-n-law would have done without the Ronald McDonald House when their baby was born. They had to move to Houston for 6 months right after he was born and had to go back for visits often. Without the Ronald McDonald House, I don’t know what they would have done, it’s a place they speak VERY highly of and still 8 years later do everything they can to help raise money for their amazing program.
Raising money for the RMHC doesn’t have to be boring or terribly time to consuming either. You can do something as simple as hosting a bake sale or holding a fun backyard BBQ where you ask your friends to pledge a certain amount for every catch you make a juggling, or you can do what my kids decided to do.
My kids and I decided to do something a little different to raise money for the RMHC. My kids love to jump on the trampoline and we all enjoy having friends and family over for a backyard BBQ. So we decided to combine the two, especially since it’s going to start cooling off soon.
My girls are decided on calling our event a jump off for Corbin. Corbin is their cousin that was at Texas Children’s Hospital for a large part of the beginning of his life. He passed away 2 years ago and the girls thought it would be a way to help raise money for the RMHC and to help remember Corbin. When Corbin used to come over the kids would all make a beeline for the backyard so they could go jump on the trampoline, it was such a great way to not only make money for the RMHC but also get together with family and friends to remember sweet Corbin.
Oh my gosh, I don’t even know what to say other than where do children get so much energy? These kinds jumped so long we lost count. Have you ever tried to count how many times a child can jump? I didn’t either until recently, lol. It was a blast and rather than focusing on jumps since we couldn’t keep count everyone donated what they were able to but we didn’t tell the kids that because they worked so hard. Remember these are kids, they have an endless amount of energy, and love that the attention will be on them. I honestly didn’t think they would ever stop jumping.I honestly didn’t think the girls would ever stop jumping. To make things a little more fun for the kids and get them to stop jumping we decided to bust out with the water hose. The girls loved it, but it didn’t take long before Mattie went down and Vayda followed not long after, lol.
We decided if we ever do a jump off again we better make the adults jump so we can keep track of how many jumps each person does lol.
Regardless of how much money we raise, the event will be fun, bring everyone together to celebrate Corbin, and raise money for a cause we hold near and dear to our hearts. I think it’s important to remember when raising money for places such as the RMHC that there is no such thing as an amount too small. Every little bit helps so have fun, join us and help raise money for the RMHC.