11 Reasons Kids Should Play Outside

by Jenn Brockman

This post is sponsored by the wonderful people at Tom’s of Maine!  We’re excited to share a few reasons kids should play outside, as well as few great things Tom’s of Maine has going on!  

My kids love to play outside.  Whether it’s building a mud pie, chasing the ducks, or riding their bikes they enjoy the great outdoors.  I’m not sure if you knew but October 4th was National Play Outside Day!  The perfect time to start talking to your kids about things they like to do outside – parks, riding bikes, playing with the animals, building forts, and whatever else they can come up with.  Kids are creative, they can come up with some of the neatest games if we make them get up and go outside. 

My daughter Vayda used to hate going outside, because it was hot, her legs were sleepy, and anything else she could come up with.  It took a bit, but after making her go outside every single evening she started to find things to do, and realized being outside is a whole new adventure.  Now that she has a little sister, it’s even better!  Gosh, those two girls can get into some trouble too, lol. 

I remember my oldest daughter asked me if she could take Mattie outside to play.  Catie has always been an outstanding sister, and I trust her 100% with anything she does.  Of course I let her take Mattie outside, I thought they were just going to play around in the dirt.  At worst I figured Catie would show Mattie a grasshopper, because Catie has always loved bugs, and I figured she would try and share her love for bugs with Mattie, lol.  Sadly, Mattie developed my get up and run from bugs gens, lol. 

reasons kids should play outsideReasons Kids Should Play Outside

I’m glad my kids enjoy being outside, there are so many reasons to send them outside to play.

  • Creativity – Children who play outside tend to put their creative skills to work.  They’re more creative outside, where they have trees, rocks, sticks, and grass than inside where the environment is structured.  I agree with this, because I have watched my kids play outside, and they put it all out there.  Before you know it a stick is a sword, the tree is a ship, and before you know it their playing some pirate game, or taking an adventure int the jungle.  There is so much to love about the child’s imagination.
  • Attention span – When kids spend time outside, it’s an unstructured environment where they can let loose and really have fun.  When they return to a structured environment, they are more relaxed and able to handle sitting, and playing attention. 
  • Exercise – Naturally, we want our children to go and play outside to get up and move, because kids need exercise.  See the great thing about kids playing outside is they don’t even realize they are doing something healthy for their body, and don’t you tell them either, lol.
  • Kids need to be kids – There are so many great benefits to kids playing outside, and I think we often forget that kids need to be kids!  They only have one childhood, we only have one change to make their childhood memorable, and I don’t know about you, but playing outside with my friends and family are some of my best memories.  My parents would kick us outside all the time, we lived in the country, and gosh it was a blast! 
  • Rules – Playing outside is a time for kids to say goodbye too rules, because there are no set rules to playing outside, and using their imagination.  They can pretend they’re grownups living in the jungle, or traveling in space, the sky is the limit and it’s one of the very few things in life that doesn’t come with an instruction manual.  I know mom and dad have rules, but it’s their time to let loose and have fun. 
  • Health – We already talked about exercise, which does help their health, but so does the chance to let go of stress.  Kids do have reasons to be stressed, they might not realize they are stressed, and we might not either.  Playing outside gets them moving, it’s a time they can forget about what happened earlier today, and have fun, unwind, and distress. 
  • Cooperating – Children often play together better outside, where they need to work together to meet a goal.  See outside 90% of the time winning doesn’t matter, it’s not about who can race the car fastest, it’s about overcoming obstacles, and accomplishing a common goal.  My kids tend to build things, CRAZY things, but when they’re building they get along great, because they all have great ideas, are willing to help, listen, and even learn from one another.  My oldest daughter can be playing outside with the kids, and take tips from her youngest sister, because for now age doesn’t matter, winning isn’t an issue, but building their clubhouse is. 
  • Bonding with siblings – If you have more than one child, allowing them to play outside together can help them bond.  My kids get along better outside than they do inside, because they are able to put their imagination to work, listen to one another’s ideas, build things together, learn from one another, teach one another, and learn to appreciate one another. 
  • Self-confidence – Playing outside can help a child self-confidence.  Even as an adult I feel better about myself when I spend time outside, getting a little sun, and exercise.  Kids get the same, plus they have fun, which helps them be happier. 
  • Immune system – When kids are exposed to everything outside – dirt, leaves, grass, etc – they tend to have a stronger immune system to fight all those nasty germs. 
  • Learn about the world – The best way to learn about the world is to get out in it, and kids are curious naturally.  They can explore, discover, create, expand their mind, influence, and most importantly just be themselves.  Being outside opens so many doors, emotions, and chances.  My oldest daughter LOVES science and she’s good at it.  Did you know she learned about science, and her love for it by playing outside – exploring trees, to learning about bugs, and where they live – it all started from outside play.  If she wouldn’t have spent as much time outside, she may not have learned how much she enjoyed science.

With the winter months coming up it’s a little more difficult to send the kids outside for hours, but they can still go play.  I’m going to bet you 99% of the kids at school don’t stay inside from recess when it’s cold outside.  It might be too cold after school, but on the weekends take them outside, and let them get fresh air. Snow only makes being outside more fun for everyone!

Join Us and Become a Virtual Volunteer – It’s Easy, Fun, and You’ll Be Supporting a Project That Matters!

Did you know that is helping to rebuild a park in Detroit?  How awesome is that, I love hearing about things companies to do give back to the community, especially in ways that benefit our children.  As a parent, I think about my child’s needs first, as them what they want to do, and even which park they want to visit.  I always appreciate a business putting focus on the kids, because it’s where my focus is, and it only makes their childhood more enjoyable – especially when a company like Tom’s of Maine virtual volunteer site is helping to rebuild a much-needed park in Detroit.

The best thing about their Virtual Volunteer website is YOU CAN HELP!  I’ve already been over to the virtual volunteer site, sent my husband, told my mom, and even my mother-n-law.  Now it’s your turn, whether you live in Detroit or not you know how important good parks are for children’s, and families.  Take two minutes out of your day to help rebuild Detroit’s Knudsen Park!  All you need is a few clicks!

When you , you can pick an item you would like to see added to the Knudsen park revitalization project.  Show your support via Twitter or Facebook, and your social support will help Tom’s of Maine decide what else they need to donate to the park.

They have some GREAT ideas!  Head on over to Tom’s of Maine Virtual Volunteer Website here, and show your support.    


Be sure to be on the lookout because we’ll be sharing a #TBT Thursday in honor of Tom’s of Maine with #50StatesForGood!  Oh, and be sure to dedicate your #TBT picture too!  Whatever you want, you and the kids playing outside, maybe you playing as a child, whatever it is be sure to tag it with the #50StatesForGood hashtag.  Click here to visit

Enter To Win FREE Tom’s Products!

One lucky person will win free Tom’s products!  All you need to do is visit the Virtually Volunteers website, show your support, grab the link and leave us a comment with the link.   It’s super easy, and totally worth it! .

What are reasons your kids playing outside is important?  Don’t forget to enter the giveaway you’ll need to post your link in the comments.  Good Luck!




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