Fall Health: Tips To Stay Healthy

by Jenn Brockman
The opinions in this article are my own. I do not work for, or with, any brand mentioned in this article, nor do I have any official relationship with them.  I have a relationship with GigaSavvy, for whom I create original editorial content. 

Gosh, I still cannot believe how quickly this year passed us by!  We’re talking about fall health tips, and ways to stay healthy!  I’m still wondering where summer went.  I guess maybe I should catch up, I do enjoy this time of year.  I simply cannot belive it’s already fall, moving toward winter.  I love the fall months, the smells, colors of the leaves, change in weather, but I do think about ways to stay healthy, and teach my kids to live a healthy lifestyle.  

Fall Health Tips To Stay HealthyFall Health Tips To Stay Healthy

Here are a few fall health tips to help you and your family stay healthy this fall!  

  • Drink water – My kids get sick of it, but I say it over and over “Drink more water.”  Drinking plenty of water helps keep your body hydrated so it can function properly.  Just like our children, we need to drink plenty of water as well.  I stopped drinking sodas, certain juices, and for the most part only drink water.  I have noticed when I stick to water it’s easier to drink, when I try to mix things up, I tend to forget about water and crave other things.  Try to find a balance that works for you.
  • Sleep – This is my biggest area for improvement, sleep.  Sleeping your recommended time each night makes you healthier, you’re less likely to get sick, and let’s face it you feel better when you sleep. 
  • Stress – Find a way to deal with stress!  Stress can do so many bad things to our body, it’s extremely important to find ways to handle stress.  Exercise always helps me, even if it’s a nice walk in the park.  When stress levels are high it can cause your immune system to go down, which means you can catch a cold easier.
  • Eat healthy – Maintaining a healthy diet loaded with fresh fruits and veggies is a great way to take care of your body.  Antioxidant-rich foods help your immune system, and they can be found in fruits and veggies.  Eating a variety of fruits and veggies will help keep you from getting bored with the same food, and help give you a variety of antioxidants, which is important because they have a different impact on your immune health.
  • Exercise – Get up and move, and you don’t have to have a gym membership to exercise.  When it gets cold outside I do things inside my house, and add a little workout while I’m cleaning my house.  It not only helps me keep my body healthy, but it also helps me have a spotless house, lol.  
  • Sugar – Say NO!  I know, it’s hard this time of year, but remember I’ll be doing it with you. 
  • Washing hands – Keep those gems away, wash your hands regularly.  You’ll have better lucky keeping the viruses and bacteria’s off your hands if you wash your hands every chance you get.  You can also carry hand sanitizer to use for those times you cannot wash your hands.  Be sure to check out our hand washing tips, and learn ways you can make handwashing fun for kids.


  • Watch your hands – Pay attention, and try to keep your hands away from your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Vitamin D – Be sure you’re getting enough Vitamin D, which can be found in supplements, fortified foods, and sun exposure. 
  • Don’t overdo it – We tend to live busy lifestyles, and it’s easy for us to run ourselves crazy.  Be careful, slow down and take care of yourself.  You only have one body, take some time to slow down and enjoy it.  Your body will appreciate it.
  • Dress for the weather – I agree, wearing a jacket isn’t fun, they can be annoying, but keep yourself warm.  Not wearing a jacket to the store isn’t worth catching a cold.     
  • Immunization – If your children, or yourself need any immunizations getting them can help protect you from getting sick.  If you’re not familiar with immunization, be sure to learn how  immunizations help keep your family healthy.
  • Visit family and friends – I know you’re thinking, WHAT.  Being social can help keep you happier, which can help with stress, and health.  Being social and having people to talk to is a great way to keep your mentally healthy.   

What are ways you and your family are staying healthy this fall?

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