Finally, A Trusted Medical App Written By Medical Experts

by Jenn Brockman

I can’t count the number of times I’ve been looking for medical information online only to freak out. I mean, reading the stuff on some sites has me completely believing that the bluish tint to my foot means I need to have the whole thing amputated. When in reality, the bluish tint to my toenail has more to do with the bottle of nail polish I dropped on it. OK, so maybe I’m exaggerating a tiny bit. But searching the internet for medical information can turn a molehill into the Colorado Rockies. There is so  much information and misinformation out there as well as so many opinions about things disguised as fact that things can become slightly daunting

Finally, A Trusted Medical App Written by Medical Experts

Let’s face it—who has the time to run right to the doctor’s office every time something happens? That doesn’t mean I don’t want to know what’s going on with my health, and I don’t always want to turn to the internet where I get some weird opinion and worst-case scenario. I want a way to be able to look up medical information without having to jump online and sort through the crackpots to find a potential real solution to whatever is going on. I have this amazing app on my phone for my horses. Any time something is wrong, I can log into the app and it provides me with a lot of useful information. I found myself asking why, then, don’t they have that kind of app for people? Well, as it happens, they DO. It’s called the Merck Manual Consumer App, and this little baby is just what the doctor ordered.

Merck Manual ConsumerMerck Manual Consumer

The Merck Manual Consumer App is incredible. I am positively in love with it. It is definitely one that I will always keep on my device so I have it with me wherever I go. That way, I have access to reliable and trusted information no matter where I am, and don’t have to spend time sorting through the garbage that can be found online. The medical information has been compiled and written by over 350 medical experts on topics that are searchable by symptom, diagnosis, and treatment. One of my favorite features is the symptom checker. You can actually look up different symptoms and the app provides you with causes, evaluations, and treatment information.

Merck Manual Consumer

The really really awesome part about this app? It is FREE to download. There are absolutely no ads. And they do not collect or use any personal information. It is like having a reference guide right at your fingertips at all times.

Trying to look up useful information about different health or medical issues has always resulted in wasted time for me. This is yet another reason why I love the Merck Manual Consumer App. Even though the information compiled into the app is written by experts, it is written in a way that is easy to understand. It contains photos and illustrations on thousands of different medical conditions. It also contains animations, which are used to demonstrate treatments and conditions. There are even interactive quizzes to test your knowledge, if you’re so inclined.

Merck Manual Consumer

Not quite sold yet and want more reasons to love this handy dandy app? It also includes all kinds of other great features like a pill identifier. Have you ever been digging through your purse and find a rogue tablet of something that you want to figure out if it’s acetaminophen or a Tic Tac? Use the pill identifier within the app to determine if you’re going to ease a headache or freshen your breath. It also offers drug and medicine information guides which include information about drug interactions, information about different drugs (both prescription and OTC), as well as medical news.

Merck Manual Consumer

I am really excited that we finally have access to medical information that we can trust. We can go to one place and know that we are finding accurate and accessible information when you need it. It’s written in a way that is easy to read and easy to understand. And you can download the Merck Manual Consumer App for Apple devices at the iTunes Store or for Android devices at Google Play.

To learn more about this wonderful app visit and connect with them on Twitter and Facebook.

This is a sponsored post. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own

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Armando Rincon September 30, 2017 - 5:39 pm

Finally a good medical app, better than google search, thanks

AnnaZed January 16, 2017 - 5:17 pm

Jenn! Thanks so much for telling me about this. this is information accessible as it should be.

Terry Poage January 14, 2017 - 4:20 pm

Sounds like a great app to have. It would be nice to have when you are away from home a need to look something up.

slehan January 13, 2017 - 3:33 pm

Pardon me while I go download this app immediately! Just what I’ve been looking for. Thanks.

slehan at juno dot com

Jenn January 14, 2017 - 2:39 am

It’s an awesome app, I just love it!


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