How You Can Help Stop Childhood Hunger Online & Locally!

by Jenn Brockman

I’m proud to have partnered with Unilever for this sponsored post to support Project Sunlight!  

I sure hope you read my post last week about child hunger.  If not be sure to swing by and check out – Stop Childhood Hunger In America & Share A Meal.

To help stop childhood hunger I hosted a virtual food drive, invited family and friends over for a #ShareAMeal lunch, and next month my sister-n-law, and I are holding a local food drive.  It’s our first one, so wish us luck.  Oh, and be sure to swing by and donate to my Feeding America Personal Fundraiser.  Remember a little bit goes a long way!

Did you know it only takes $1 to make eight meals?  I’ve been in a position where I felt like I couldn’t donate, but $1 I honestly had no idea how much $1 could do for a hunger child.   Just $1 will make eight meals for hungry children, so please give even if it’s just $1.

How You Can Help Stop Childhood Hunger Online and LocallyHow You Can Help Stop Childhood Hunger Online & Locally! 

Some people think hunger only affects a person in a particular area, but that is wrong.  Did you know hunger affects people all over the country, in almost every neightborhod.  Food insecurity isn’t enough for anyone, but it’s devastating to kids!  They need proper nutrition to grow, be strong, and remain healthy as they develop.  When a child doesn’t have enough of the right kinds of food, the results can be severe.  It can impact childrens physical, academic, mental, and the health of their future. 

It’s scary to think there are 16 million children who face hunger, and it’s the reason we have proudly joined Unilever to help turn the tables on child hunger!  One out of five children in American face hunger, and that’s too many, especially when only $1 can create eight meals!

I have also started talking to a few local organizations here in my city, and am learning different ways I can get involved, because donating online is great, but I want to be more involved.  I know people appreciate it, but I want to be out there, helping hands on, and helping make a larger impact.  This time of year is crazy for us.  We’re going 100% of the time because we have so much going on between kids, school, home, and the local charities we donate time to. I’m excited because my kids will be helping.  

share a mealHow To Show Your Support Locally

Share a meal with people in your neighborhood

You might also remember my sister-n-law, and I were planning to share a meal with people in our neighborhood, and a few from her, which we did and it turned out great.  We had a lot of fun, meet new people who live in our community, and agreed we need to do this more often.   I honestly wasn’t going to make hotdogs, but I didn’t expect so many people to come.  Everyone but two families came, so I had to pull out the hotdogs, which was a plus because all the kids ate a hotdog.  We also had salad, french fries, and I pulled out two bowls of strawberries for dessert.  I did learn I’m going to be much more prepared lol.  I just didn’t’ think everyone would show up.  Any other time they don’t, lol.  Either way I am glad they came, it was nice to meet new people who lived in our town, and watch the kids play and make new friends.  

You can share a meal with your neighbor, family, and friends too.  If you want your meal to have an excellent impact have family and friends help by inviting people, they think may need a little help.  It’s totally fun, and such a great way to meet real people!  We are lucky to live in southern New Mexico right now, lol.  It’s warm enough we were able to have the gathering outside.  We cooked on the grill, decided on a few fun things to do, but for the most part everyone spent time getting to know one another. I’m glad it was warm, because I don’t know how all the kids would have done inside, or if I would have a house left lol.

Donate Time  – You can donate time to local food banks, and other 

Local Food Banks – Contact your local food bank and see how you can help.  Whether it’s donating food or lending a hand. My sister-n-law and I are both super excited about the food drive next month; it’s going to be part of the drive for Thanksgiving, so we are hoping to do well. 

Lend a hand – If you don’t want to put together a food drive you can get your feet wet by donating time, and you’ll get the hang of things.  That’s what I did; this will be me first food drive, but I have helped coordinate others, so I’m feeling good about it. 

Donate – If you don’t have time to donate you can always make a donation, and remember your $1 will go a long way and create eight meals for hungry children.  If you would like to donate you can visit my Feeding America Personal Fundraiser page, or start your own.  

There are so many ways you can make a difference in your neighborhood as well as online.  Unilever on their website – – for more information on how you can help stop childhood hunger in the United States.

Be sure to follow Unilever Project Sunlight on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.  You’ll also want to be social and follow Feeding American on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.

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