3 Question Baby Gut Check | Is Your Baby’s Gut is Healthy?

by Jenn Brockman

This post is sponsored by Evivo but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

Preparing for the birth of your baby is exciting and a bit scary, especially if it’s your first child.  As parents, we want what’s best for your children and one of the most talked about topics right now if the importance of your baby’s gut health.

3 Question Baby Gut Check | Is Your Baby’s Gut is Healthy?
Is Your Baby’s Gut is Healthy?

Did you know 9 out of 10 infants are missing B infantis, which is the good bacteria our baby needs to develop a healthy gut?  However, over the years the good bacteria has disappeared because of things like antibiotics, formula feeding, and C-sections.  With the disappearance of the good bacteria can flourish leaving our little ones with a higher rid of metabolic and autoimmune issues such as:

  • Colic
  • Allergies
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity

Knowing if your baby’s gut is healthy can be difficult but there are three questions we can ask ourselves to see if our little one might be one of the 9 out of 10 baby’s missing B. infantis.

3 Question Baby Gut Check | Is Your Baby’s Gut is Healthy?
3 Question Baby Gut Check

Question 1: Were you OR your baby born via C-section?

Question 2: Were you OR your baby was given antibiotics pre-delivery or post pregnancy?

Question 3: Does your baby have diaper rash OR 5+ watery poops per day?

Did you answer yes to one or more of the above questions?  If so your little one might be missing B. infantis and allowing bad bacteria to thrive.  Remember bad bacteria is links to a higher risk of colic, allergies, obesity, and diabetes.

3 Question Baby Gut Check | Is Your Baby’s Gut is Healthy?

As a mother, I want to do everything I can to help set my children up for a long and healthy life.  After learning how critical the first 6 months of a baby’s life is to their metabolic and the importance of B. infantis.

3 Question Baby Gut Check | Is Your Baby’s Gut is Healthy?

I’ve been using Evivo for a while now and love it.  I also recommended it to my oldest stepdaughter, who recently had a c-section and noticed her new baby was having tummy issues.  After speaking with her pediatrician decided to give it a try.

3 Question Baby Gut Check | Is Your Baby’s Gut is Healthy?
3 Question Baby Gut Check | Is Your Baby’s Gut is Healthy?
3 Question Baby Gut Check | Is Your Baby’s Gut is Healthy?

About three days she said noticed improvements with her baby’s tummy issues and acid reflux.  She also said he seemed to be more comfortable, slept better and was overall less fussy.  I love Evivo, you should defiantly check out all the reviews on Evivo.com too.  There are a lot of people who have noticed positive changes in their baby’s gut health.  I like Evivo because it contains no artificial flavors, dyes, drugs, alcohol or additives.  It’s also gluten-free.  Plus, it contains B. infantis that are activated so it’s ready to work right when you give it to your baby.  Evivo is clinically proven to help restore your little one’s infant gut microbiome to its natural state. Evivo is easy to use. Just mix one of the packets as directed on the box and give it to your baby!  Oh, and be sure to store Evivo in the freezer until you are ready to use it.

Save on your Evivo Starter Kit

To save on your starter kit use the code below!

  1. $10 off 4-week starter kit: BLOG9041
  2. $20 off 8-week or greater starter kit: BLOG9042

To learn more about Evivo and B. infantis visit Evivo.com.

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