I’m thankful I get to stay home with my children, but it hasn’t always been that way. Before I started working from home I worked outside of the home full-time and had to send my kids to daycare. Poor Vayda and Mattie started daycare at a young age and Vayda went through potty training at daycare.
5 Tips To Make Potty Training at Daycare Easier
I was lucky to have an AWESOME private daycare provider who worked with me during the potty training stages. She was honestly a lifesaver in helping me prepare Vayda for potty training while attending daycare so I thought I would provide you with a few tips that might help your little one on their potty training journey while in daycare.
Trust your daycare provider – Seriously, if you can’t trust your daycare provider than your child shouldn’t be going. You should have enough trust in them to allow them to help you and your child with their potty training journey. I think it might be safe to say your daycare provider knows a lot when it comes to potty training, they should anyway. If they don’t you might want to rethink the daycare your children attend.
Communication – Talk with your daycare provider and let them know your potty training. Don’t just pack extra britches and call it good. They need to know and it’s a good idea to even talk about any issues you might be having. Communication helped make pottytraining while attending daycare easier for everyone.
Send extra clothing – Do not just start potty training and expect your daycare provider to pull clothing out of that magic box they have. Send clothing daily or make a package for the week, whatever works best for your provider. Remember they’re watching other children who are potty training too!
Get on the same page – You can’t expect your provider to do all the work while you let your child slide at home. Get on the same page and work together it will be less confusing for you child.
Consider training pants – Pull-Ups products help get kids interested in potty training! Pull-Ups training pants have unique patterns that fade when wet to help your child learn to stay dry. The easy-open sides make it easy to check for potty breaks, plus they’re stretchy to help kids learn how to put them on and take them off like a Big Kid. New Disney designs feature Doc McStuffins, Ariel, Jake and the Never Land Pirates and Lightning McQueen. Plus, right now you can save money on Pull-Ups training pants at your local Family Dollar.
[easy-tweet tweet=”Tips for Potty Training at Daycare + Save on Pull-Ups via @sjblahblahblog” via=”no” usehashtags=”no”]
Did you know you can currently save on Pull-Ups training pants from Family Dollar when you test CARE to 287767? Get the details here.
To find a Family Dollar in your area check out their handy dandy store locator here.
Thank you Pull-Ups and Family Dollar for not only sponsoring this post but helping parents save a little extra money on Pull-Ups and helping me and other parents to set the stage for potty training success.
I love that they know potty training is different for each family/child.
They offered the potty training advice of parenting experts and
medical professionals. Parents who have been there also had input as well.
I like the savings/coupons
I love the coupons and all the potty training tips
I would like to get the Time to Potty app
They have good potty training tips.
Thanks for the contest.
slehan at juno dot com
I love the coupons and all the potty training tips
I like all the potty training tips and sales they offer.. I have one about 5 miles from my work.
love the tips on potty training
My granddaughter has been potty trained for sometime now, but Pull Ups were a major part of that process.
i love the pull ups idea an the potty chair
I love their offers and their learning designs.
I love the Pullups Reward chart idea. That is awesome, I wish I used that when my kids were potty training!
They have a coupons section! They take manufacturers coupons!
The nearest is 2 miles!
Potty Training is different for every kid.
They have so much information with tips for successful potty training.
So much information and help is available. I like that Pull-Ups® offers a ton of info on potty training tips and advice from parenting experts, medical professionals and parents who have been there.
Ooh-I wish this website was available when my kids were little-we won’t say how long ago that was, haha! The rewards chart was very helpful.
What great tips. I am close to potty training my son. He is starting to show interest, and I am dreading the daycare aspect. His amazing daycare lady has said she will follow however we want, so that is reassuring.
There is one about 4 miles away
Family Dollar #3065
ROCKFORD, IL 61108-1918
They can get a call from a Disney character to make potty training more fun Rosanne
There is a quiz to help you decide if your child is ready for potty training or not.
that Pull-Ups® stretchy sides teach them how to slide them on and off all by themselves
When the child is showing interest in toileting and starting to stay dry, it’s a good time to start using training pants.
I found the reward chart helpful! I want to use that when we start potty training
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
Ashley C
I learned that the pull-ups site has a ton of great information from tips, to checklist to reward charts.
I thought the potty training tips were helpful.
Pull-Ups Myth Buster Myth #4: All kids can be potty trained in a day. This was a pervasive idea when i was potty-training my girl – as if!
I like the easy open side that are also stretchy.
Pull-Ups® stretchy sides teach them how to slide them on and off all by themselves
I like the rewards chart
I love how you can customize a call from a favorite character when you have potty success! Technology is amazing.
I love the stretchy sides and the great designs to choose from