7 Things That Can Dull Your Skin This Winter

by Jenn Brockman

The winter is a wonderful time of the year. There is time for the holidays, the New Year, and family and friends gathering. The snow, lights, and decorations make the winter a happy and joyous time. There is, however, the downsides of the winter time. The cold, windy weather tends to make skin dry and dull. Though we can’t change the weather or the seasons, there are ways to avoid the demise of our skin and rejuvenate for a brighter looking complexion. Here are 7 things that can dull your skin this winter and how we can avoid them. With making those changes and using your Personal Microderm Exfoliator, your skin will glow and be bright for the holidays.


  • Dust & Pollution

Dust and smog collects on the skin and throughout the day it settles. It covers the skin and clogs pores. This causes dull skin and the possibility of breakouts, acned, and redness. Dust also dries the skin and reduces the natural softness and moisture. It’s important to cleanse the skin after a long day and using the PMD Exfoliator helps to remove all the impurities and radicals that collect on the skin.

  • Sun Exposure

Those winter days can be cloudy, but the sun’s UV rays are just as harsh as in the summer. You would think the sun would help skin look radiant, but unprotected skin gets blasted with UV rays. Add the heat and your skin is doomed. The sun dries out the skin, stealing its moisture and causing rough patches, wrinkles and speeding up the aging process. It’s important to wear a sunscreen with SPF of 15 or more each day.

  • Diet

“You are what you eat!” This is true, what you consume is reflected on the outside. When our skin, which is our largest organ, is deprived of proper nutrients and moisture appears dull and aged. The skin is unable to replenish and rejuvenate when it doesn’t have the essential nutrients and vitamins. Be sure you eat a diet with live fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water for bright and vibrant skin. So, when you exfoliate with you PMD, your skin will revive more quickly.

  • Cleansers

Just rinsing your skin only removes a small layer of the dust and particles that cause dull skin. Using the wrong cleansing products can also have an adverse effect. Alcohol based cleansers dry out the skin and if you don’t follow with a proper moisturizer, your skin will be left sensitive and dull. Knowing your skin and choosing the proper cleanser will improve skin’s radiance, using the PMD removes the elements from the skin and allows the bright, fresh complexion to shine through, and following with a good moisturizer keeps that complexion all day.

PMD Face

  • Long Day

Being stuck indoors for hours on end can leave anyone feeling dull, overall.  We need fresh air once in a while, especially our skin. Rooms full of artificial air from heaters and air conditioners is artificial air that doesn’t allow skin to breath. Also, if you work (or play) in smoky bars, dust filled work sites, or stuffy offices makes skin dull and tired because it isn’t given the chance to breathe. Skin needs to breath and fresh air oxygenates our skin. Don’t forget about your feet either! They need some air and some attention too.

PMD Foot

  • Sleep

Just as our brain and body need time to revamp, so does our skin. Not getting enough shut eye keeps the skin from rejuvenating and shedding dull cells, leaving skin tired and dull. Get plenty of sleep to give skin time to refresh and rest before exposing it to the daily grind and elements of the winter days.

  • Play Time

The holidays are time for parties, food, and drink, but be sure to limit what you are exposing your skin to by consuming certain things. Unhealthy food leaves skin feeling dull and be sure to limit alcoholic drinks. Alcohol removes moisture from the body and skin. It ultimately destroys skin cells. If alcohol is consumed, the skin is deprived of essential water that keeps it bright and causes more dead skin cells to accumulate, leaving a dull complexion. So, keep the eggnog and whiskey sours to a minimum and stick to water to rejuvenate and oxygenate skin. Plus, it’s a safer way to enjoy the holidays!

Once these few changes are made, the skin can continue to keep the glow of summer all through the winter and on into spring. To help keep skin looking radiant, use your PMD daily. It is a inexpensive at home microdermabrasion treatment that has multiple exfoliating discs to use and you can make the treatment all your own.

PMD Micro

Here is how it works:

  • The Patented Spinning Disc is coated with aluminum oxide crystals that exfoliate the skin and gets rid of dead cells to improve healthy cell growth.
  • PMD’s suction pulls the dead cells away and cleans the pores by removing oil and dirt.
  • When the PMD is finished clearing the dead cells, cleaning the pores, and upping cell growth, the skin can absorb moisturizers and other beauty products more effectively.

The PMD is easy to use and comes with a Hand and Foot kit so your feet and hands can feel the same replenished exfoliated rejuvenation as your face. Using the PMD weekly helps to lessen the occurrence of blemishes, cleans the pores, reduces wrinkles and fine lines, and it evens out texture and tone of the skin.

PMD Micro

It is comparable to the expensive microdermabrasion treatments and you don’t have to make any appointments, pay an arm and a leg, or work an appointment into your already busy schedule. The PMD kit has enough attachments and tools to perform 12 treatments at home, on your schedule and you can order more anytime you start running low.

PMD Micro

Be sure to check it out and order one for yourself and some for friends and family this holiday. You could order one for yourself, but once you and others, see the results, you’ll want to share the secret! SO, when someone asks how your skin looks so great, be sure to smile big, shine bright and let your young, vibrant, and radiant skin do all the talking (then tell them where they can get their own.)

This post is made possible by Brand Backer and written by me. All statements and opinions are 100% my own.

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lisa January 7, 2016 - 12:29 pm

I won one of these. At first I was excited and used it a few times a week. I probably didn’t stick with it long enough to see results.I tire of things quickly. I do have to say that when cleaning it after each use, I did notice the dead skin cells, so it was doing something.

Timandmichele Ash January 7, 2016 - 12:20 am

Thanks so much for the Fantastic Review on 7 Things That Can Dull Your Skin This Winter! These are really terrific Tips on how to get your skin looking good and feeling fine! I’m one of those people who is inside more than anything else. I am generally in the house all day long. The other thing I’m bad about is getting the proper amount of sleep! I stay up to enter these contests so that I can put things away for next Christmas already. This Christmas was very skimpy again and as expected, the kids were a bit upset that they didn’t get everything they asked Santa for. Lady luck has surely hated me for a long, long time now. I haven’t won anything in a long, long time. Anyway back to the subject, I make sure that my face is always cleansed before I go to bed. I need to start using my moisturizer again! I just haven’t had the time because I’m always in a hurry to get into bed to get to sleep! I’ll have to check into these PMD’s for myself. I have no idea how expensive they are. With my family situation, I didn’t get money for Christmas like I generally do to buy myself things I need. I’ll have to check it out and see what I can do! Thanks so much for sharing your fantastic review, all the pictures, and your personal and professional information on 7 Things That Can Dull Your Skin This Winter with all of us! I really honestly do appreciate it! Thanks again so very much! Michele 🙂

Mai Tran January 7, 2016 - 12:00 am

This PMD Personal Microderm is certainly useful if it actually does what it says it does. However, I wonder how long the Regeneration System should be in used before change.


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