I participated in the Pass The Puffs blog program as a member of One2One Network. I received compensation but all opinions are my own.
With the weather getting nicer, it’s hard to believe it’s still cold and flu season, but we still have a little ways to go. Here are a few cold and flu survival tips.
9 Cold and Flu Survival Tips
Rather than getting caught off guard here are a few cold and flu survival tips.
- Washing hands – Washing has is a great way to reduce the risk of getting sick and help from passing it on.
- Stay hydrated – Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated before, during and after fighting a cold. Drinking water can be difficult when you’re sick, but it’s important that you find a way to keep your body stay hydrated.
- Rest – The best thing you can do if you feel yourself getting sick is to sleep. Get plenty of rest, if you have children it might be a good times to as family and friends for a little help. The more you rest the better your body can fight the cold.
- Eat – Eat blueberries as well as other dark berries. They can help strengthen your immune system. Chicken soup is great to ease symptoms, besides homemade chicken soup always makes you feel better.
- Exercise – Daily activity – walking, jogging, biking, etc can help reduce the number of colds you get.
- Honey – If you are coughing, try a spoonful or maybe two before heading to bed. In my opinion, honey works better than cough syrups most of the time.
- Reduce stress – Stress isn’t good for the body any time of year, but it can lower your immune system and cause you to get sick easier. Try meditation or doing something that calms your mind.
- Zinc – When you first feel a sore throat, try a zinc lozenge. It’s said zinc can shorten the duration of your cold, and it’s even a good idea to stock up on it.
- Be prepared – Hopefully you don’t catch anything, but it’s best to be prepared. Stock up on medication, don’t forget the Puff’s tissues.
Puffs is on a mission! They want to help people look their best during cold and flu season, with they’re oh so soft tissue that soothes irritation caused by the sniffles, sneezing and even coughing.
Your face is the first thing people see, it says everything about you. If you meet someone they might not remember a name to put with your face, but they’ll almost always remember your face. Which is why it’s important to give your face a little extra care especially during the cold and flu season, and yes it’s still cold and flu season!
The winter is always hard on our face, but Puffs Plus Lotions has just the right touch of Shea Butter, Vitamin E and Aloe to help provide you with comfort during the worst of the cold and flu symptoms. Plus, did you know they are the only brand dermatologist tested to be gentler on your skin? Puffs helps you put your best face forward, they’re the most soothing tissues and even contain Air-fluffed™ pillows for an even more cushiony thickness. Why would anyone want to face winter any other way?
Be sure to visit Puffs on Facebook and on their website at Puffs.com