Things Nobody Tells You about Owning a Cat

by Jenn Brockman

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Friskies Pull ’n Play for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.

Oh look at that kitten, it’s so cute!  I want a pet cat!  I know so many people who get animals and love them for the animals whole life.  However, then there are those who tend to jump the gun a little, and I end up with their cats, dogs, rabbits, and well just about anything else. Seriously, we have already talked about things people don’t tell you about owning a dog, so I figured it would be fun to talk about things nobody tells you about owning a cat.  Oh yes, if you haven’t owned a cute little kitty cat there are some things you need to know first.

Now, I’m not trying to scare you, at all.  I love animals; they are amazing companions, but the simple fact is some people shouldn’t get animals.  They must not stop to think really about the fact they are going to need to devote years to this animals life.  Every animal deserves an owner who cares for and loves them.  Wouldn’t you agree?  Okay, so here are a few things that nobody tells you about owning a cat.

Several Things Nobody Tells You about Owning a CatThings Nobody Tells You about Owning a Cat

  • You don’t own your cat – Yes, I hate to break it to you but you will never own your cat.  I mean maybe legally, but when it’s all said and done your kitty owns you.  Most felines are independent, and you’ll probably find yourself needing their attention more than they need yours, lol.  However, there are times when they might feel needy, but when they’re done it’s over, and that’s that!
  • Just because you love your friends cat and think it’s so cute doesn’t mean you’ll love just any cat – Cat are NOT the same!  They all have unique personalities so don’t be surprised if you adopt a kitten that it acts nothing like your friends cat.  Some love to cuddle, others are like my cat Twix and do not like cuddle, but love taking a swing at you when you’re not looking lol.  She does, but she is only playing there are no claws she wants us to chase her.

Cats are smart Things Peope Don't Tell You About Owning a Cat

  • Cat’s are SMART, and your cat might just be the smartest pet you have – OMG, dogs are smart too, but cats are a different smart.  Something I love about cats is their independence.  They think for themselves.  Now don’t get me wrong dogs do too, but most dogs are VERY loyal and live to please their person.  Cats, on the other hand, know if they grab that chicken while you are in the bathroom, devour it, lay on the chair you’ll likely think something else happened to it, lol.  Cats are very smart.
  • Your cat only wants attention when they see you’re doing something important – It never fails, when I’m doing something important like taxes here comes Twix, and she needs attention.  She comes walks on my keyboard, knocks my water over, and rubs her cheek against mine.  Darn cat, but she is too cute to get mad at so I give her attention.
  • Your kitty could save your baby from a  dog – Seriously, some cats are tough.  There was a video on the news a while back of a cat who beat a pitbull dog off his kid.  Yes, they mom came running out to grab the boy, and the cat chased the dog off.  Get em kitty!
  • OMG, that popcorn stuff is NOT safe sitting in that box – Cat’s love boxes, they love to play in them.  They’ll jump in that empty box and when they find out there is popcorn in there, OMG it’s going to make a mess.
  • Cat’s are more athletic than you – Cats can do it all if they had thumbs they could dunk a basketball.  I’m not joking, and they can walk on the top of the door without falling off.
  • All cats don’t chase their tail, but mine does – My cat Twix not only chases her tail but when she catches it she bites it so hard to screams and attacks it worse because she is mad lol.  Crazy kitty!
  • Cats are playful when they’re not sleeping, sometimes and ONLY if they are in the mood – Cat’s sleep more than they are awake.  When my cats wake they eat, drink, take a potty break, and play a bit.  Then it’s back to bed in the most comfortable spot in the house.  Cat’s will play with just about anything – the strings on your shoes, balls, laser lights, and tons more.  Kittens will tear apart your house playing.  They’ll run up on the curtain, across the house, up the side of the couch, and back on the ceiling.  At least I think that is how my kitten gets back, I never see her so I’m assuming it’s on the ceiling lol.
  • You’ll have to clean up stinky poop – Just like all other animals your cat will have to poop, and you’ll have to clean it up.  Unless of course you are lucky as we are, and you have plenty of rooms for your cat to roam outside and then you can teach them to go potty outside.

Cat Playing with Friskies toy

  • Cat’s need more than just food and water – SERIOUSLY, cats need so much more than just food and water.  They need love when they’re ready for it, attention, toys when they want them, and treats as many treats as you’re allowed to give them lol.

Kittyriffic Gift Ideas For Christmas

  • Your kitty expects a Christmas gift – Okay, maybe they don’t expect it, but they’re your furry friend.  Don’t you think they should get a gift as well?  After all they are will you daily  Your cat will like an excellent gift, like some Friskies Party Mix, Friskies Pull’ n Play and a Wobbert to put everything in.  Talk about making treat time fun and tasty!

Get your cat a Kittyriffic Gift for Christmas

Don’t Forget To Grab Your Kitty a Kittyriffic Gift for Christmas

The Wobbert is an awesome toy for your cat!  My kitties love it!  I guess I can’t blame them I mean they get to play and snakc at the same time.  Not only do they get to snack and play, they get to snack on some of Friskies best!  My cats love Friskies Pull ‘n Play treats and the awesome Party Mix treats from Friskies.

Kitty Gifts for Christmas
Pull ‘n Play Treats

The Pull ‘n Play treats are an awesome edible string treat that my cats love.  The string treats can be used in the Wobbert or given as a treat alone.  You can get the edible string in three different flavors – Chicken and Cheese, Tuna and Crab, and Salmon and Shrimp flavor.  Pretty excellent Christmas gift for your kitty right?  Sure, and you can even combine it with some of Friskies Party Mix treats which is sure to be loved by your cats.

Kittyriffic Gift Ideas For ChristmasFriskies Party Mix Treats

The Party Mix treats can also be placed inside the Wobbert.  When your kitty plays with the Wobbert a treat will fall out, and the Wobbert rattles when the treats are inside.  The rattling makes my cats want to play with the toy even more.

Cat PlayingThe Friskies Pull ‘n Play Combo Pack makes the perfect Christmas gift for your cat!  You can learn more or find a retailer near (Walmart, Amazon, Target, Kmart, Petsmart, & more) you by visiting Friskies Pull ’n Play.

Has your kitty been naughty or nice this year?  The best story could win a gift just enter using the giveaway widget below.

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Linda Manns Linneman January 7, 2016 - 7:30 am

We have a cat which I love very much. He is really getting old now. You are so right about all of these things with cats. They are usually not as loving as a dog but at times our cat does like to cuddle up to you. Thank you so much for sharing

Lisa Coomer Queen January 4, 2016 - 12:49 am

This was a great post. You most definitely need to know what you are getting yourself into when getting a pet.

natalie nichols December 28, 2015 - 10:58 pm

I wish I could own a cat!! I’m terribly allergic to them. I can walk into someone’s house and within 5 minutes, I’m unbearably uncomfortable. I envy you!

Eva Comstock-Mailand December 23, 2015 - 4:57 am

This is such a great article for someone who has never had a cat. My boyfriend has always owned dogs and a pot belly pig once, but never a cat, and after his oldest and most loyal best friend died at the age of 12, he lost 2 in two years, he was done with having doggies for a while because he said his heart just couldn’t take anymore loss so soon, so I finally talked him into letting me have a cat as he just couldn’t fancy himself a cat person, hes a country boy and lives out in the middle of nowhere and says its no place for a cat, but my house is in the city and so he said sure get a cat whatever, I’m not a cat person, don’t think it will bother me one way or the other, WELL, I beg to differ, we rescued a little kitten from our greenhouse that had been abandoned WAY to early and we had to nurse it back to health and over the last two months I have watched my big burly dog-loving, country boy become this gentle cat lover and asking me constantly what the kitten is doing, why he does his tail like that, what does it mean when his ears are a certain way. Now, every time he comes in the house he is search for the little guy and making sure he gets his kitty lovin. Night after night I find him asleep in our bed with the kitten sprawled right across his chest and if my boyfriend even moves the kitten pets his face like he’s lulling him back to sleep, WHOSE THE CAT LOVER NOW!!! So cute how one little furry fuzzball can melt the heart of even the toughest mountain man and he learns everyday that these little guys have a mind of their own and articles like this one make him understand his little furry baby more and more everyday. Thanks for posting it. As a footnote, he got that exact toy for our fur baby for Christmas and I think i more exactly for the kitten than the kitten will be playing with it!!!

InfiniteMidnight December 19, 2015 - 1:15 am

If I’m being honest, I’d have to say my cat Eli has been both naughty and nice this year. If I walk into the kitchen, there he is, right behind me. He starts meowing like he hasn’t eaten in days, even if he literally just ate. I tell him over and over that he’s the worst kitty I’ve ever had, and he answers back “no.” If it is time to feed him, as I’m pouring his food into his dish, he either head butts my hand so I spill more into the dish, or he reaches up with his left paw (did you know that cats, like people, have a dominant hand?) again causing more food to spill into the dish.
On the nice side, he is a great snuggle bunny (I mean kitty.) He butts himself up next to me in the bed, and likes for me to pet him. He responds by taking part of my hand and giving me a fake bite. He’ll slightly shake his head like he’s tearing me up, but he stops when I tell him “not so rough.” I’ve had cats and dogs since I was a little kid. I wouldn’t trade all the money I’ve spent on vet bills, furniture I’ve had to cover due to scratches, or time I’ve spent in the grocery aisles pondering what to get for Eli and his doggy brother. I know that when I get home I’ll have at least 2 who are happy to see me. And when I have a migraine, Eli usually stays quiet and plays Eli Nightengale until I feel better.
Yes, some people should not have a pet of any kind. I’m the kind of person who will always have a pet. Or rather, they will have me.

Richard Hicks December 17, 2015 - 3:18 am

Lot of good advice for a new owner. I have had cats all my life and know them well. My current two are rescues and 8 years old. They are my babies. Another thing is the occasional hairball.

Debbie Snell December 9, 2015 - 4:07 am

Im reading and nodding 🙂 I love cats and dogs but there is something about a cat that makes you wonder how you as their owner are the one who is trained lol as their butler 🙂


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