Reasons To Snuggle More With Your Partner

by Jenn Brockman

Have you ever wondered what the magic behind snuggling with your partner is? Maybe you are searching for reasons to snuggle with your partner with Valentine’s Day coming up! Whatever the case may be, you’ll want to stick around for this post and learn just why snuggling with your partner is so important for both of you.

Reasons To Snuggle More With Your Partner

Reasons To Snuggle More With Your Partner

Here are a few reasons to snuggle more with your partner.

Snuggling up with the one you love just feels right.

If you love the person you are with, snuggling up with them just feels good, doesn’t it? Well, did you know that it releases oxytocin, also known as the feel-good hormone?

It can help make both you and your partner feel a little more attractive

It makes you and your partner feel beautiful. Of course, getting close to your partner can often lead to other things because you are attracted to one another. So, it’s going to make both of you feel a little extra attractive.

Non-verbal conversations are important

Some of the best conversations can be had while snuggling. There are times when non-verbal communication is more effective because your partner can feel what you are telling them. When your partner is telling you about an awesome day at work or something and you cuddle up to them, it’s in a way, “I’m sorry. I can’t speak for everyone, but cuddling, without a doubt, helps my relationship.


Snuggling with your partner can help get rid of that stress! Actually, physical contact with others can contribute to reducing stress, so be sure you are doing plenty of snuggling, hugging, and kissing!

Spark up that old flame

It’s a great way to kick-start your marriage if you think your relationship needs a spark. Snuggling can be the start of something great.

Sleep Better

I don’t know about you, but I sleep better when I’m snuggled up with someone.

Relieve pain

Did you know that snuggling can help relieve pain? Yes, it boosts your immune system by releasing oxytocin, which helps to decrease your pain level.

Snuggling in bed with Snuggles just smells nice

Of course, if you are snuggling in bed, you want your bed to smell great, like Snuggles. I mean, cuddling up together is already such a great feeling; why not add a pleasant scent to your nose? It will make the experience that much better.

There are too many reasons not to be snuggling with your partner!  Plus, with Valentine’s Day right around the corner, you might want to do something extra sweet for your special someone.  If so, I have great news: a unique and fun way to send your partner a special I love you song, thanks to Snuggle.

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1 comment

Bryan Vice March 19, 2017 - 11:09 am

Love winter especially to cuddle up never need an excuse but i know how to keep my wife warm lol


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