Potty Training Easy As 1-2-3! First Flush Pull-Ups Party and Review

by Jenn

PictureIs potty training easy?  Potty Training doesn’t have to be a nightmare.  If you know your child, and are patience it can be achieved with little effort on both parts.  Potty Training should be fun, and when your child uses the potty turn it into a celebration.  You’re child is growing up, and learning to use the potty on their own in a HUGE accomplishment.

Are you ready to start the potty training party!  As a Pull-Ups Ambassador, I was given the opportunity to host an awesome “First Flush Party” for my daughter Mattie.  The wonderful people over at Pull-Ups sent us some awesome party favors such as:


  • Party Hats
  • Awesome Noise-Makers – cannot have a child party without them.
  • Saving Book – Loaded with Coupons, and when I say loaded, I mean loaded.
  • Code to Redeem a Free Phone book from SnapFish – It’s an awesome 20 page 5″ X 7x soft cover photo book.  Perfect for storing some fabulous memories.
  • Progress Charts – Allows you to mark the milestones for your big kid training.
  • Pull-Ups – My daughter loved them!  They were pink with Mickey Mouse and the Disney Princesses on them.

We invited over Mattie’s cousins, and a few of her other friends.  There was a total of 6 adult and 12 children running round my house, noise makers.  Not to mention my brother and husband, they are the worst of all, lol.  Teaching the children just how to drive mom totally bonkers before the party even starts.  Yes, dad did his job!  Everyone had fun, and mom had to take a few deep breaths in the corner, lol.  Not really, the whole experience was a blast and i would do it over again, and again.

The children ranged from 1 all the way up to 13 years old.  I was surprised how much fun Catie, my 14-year-old daughter had.  She really jumped in and helped make the party a little more fun, and special for her baby sister.  She played, and helped the younger children come up with great ways to pester Vayda our 7-year-old daughter, lol.  Oh, she did a great job making sure the younger kids knew how to pester the adults too.  Gotta love big sisters, lol.

We ate some yummy food, played some super fun games that turned into some war game.  I’m not sure what it was, but I’m pretty sure it ended up being kids against adults.  It wasn’t too much longer and the next thing I noticed was poor Catie, who worked so hard to make the party special for her babysitter, was on the bottom of a munchkin dog pile, lol.  It wasn’t long before she was up and the tables were turned.  My 7-year-old, Vayda was getting it back.


Once the adults started to settle down, the kids played and decided to put the Pull-Ups to the test.  My children had a fashion show earlier that week, and yes it involved craziness and diapers, so they decided to do it again and have everyone join in the fun.   Mattie started out with a super cute little dress on, needless to say once the excitement started and she knew it had to do with the Pull-Ups, off came the dress.  She refused to put on anything else, she wanted to show the world that she is a big girl.

Mattie is a little over two years, and had her first flush many months ago.  Potty training was fun for a few rounds then she stopped, I don’t think she was ready.  I have never pushed her into using the big girl potty.  I don’t want it to be something she dreads.  I want it to be fun, and something she is ready for.  I think that’s where many of us go wrong, we “know” our children are ready to use the potty by themselves, and we know they’re able.  So we push them, which can be a huge push in the other direction.

Since I have been talking part in the First Flush Pull-Ups event, my daughter has made leaps and bounds in the potty training department.  I think she feels the excitement, which makes her get excited.  We had totally new Pull-Ups which are fabulous, and look amazing too.  I really think the look and feel of the Pull-Ups helped Mattie to realize they were different, and it was a reason to get excited.

We had our party about a week ago, which was a blast.  The party really pushed Mattie to another level.  While she’s still wearing her awesome Pull-Ups, she is going to the big girl potty almost every time.  There are times she forgets, and gets upset because she’s wet her Pull-Ups, lol.  It’s super cute, the excitement of the party was the push she needed to help her realize what she was doing is major.

WP_20130120_011Mattie knows what it’s like to wear big girl panties, but I know she’s not totally ready for it.  However, she likes the colors and designs.  So the Pull-Ups really helped her to feel like the big girl that she is.  She loves her pretty pink Pull-Ups, as you can see in the above picture she’s gladly shows us her bum.  I was lucky to get her to put cloths on, since we have been using the Pull-Ups she wants to strut her stuff in only her Pull-Ups.  Which is fine, until mom needs to snap some pictures.

Why didn’t I try Pull-Ups earlier?  I was using the Huggies Little Movers Slip On’s.  Which are fabulous, and to me are basically the same thing.  They are no at all the same thing, and Mattie noticed the difference right away.

WP_20130120_046The front of the Pull-Ups are full of color and details.  Mattie loves the for their bright awesome designs.  Mom likes them because they have a wetness indicator that allows me to see if there’s been an accident. The wetness indicator is called Learning Designs.  The Learning Designs are patterns that fade when wet to help not only mom know when their toddler is wet, but to help children learn to stay dry.  Mattie noticed right away that when she was wet the lines disappeared, and is working hard to stay dry.  While Mattie is working on using the big girl potty full-time she, mom still relays on diapers to keep those accidents in a controlled environment.

WP_20130120_048The backs of the Pull-Ups are also bright and colorful with awesome designs. It’s no wonder Mattie loves them so much.  I like them as an adult, I’m sure if I was a toddler I would be in love with them.

I have spent a time ranting about how wonderful the design and color  of the Pulls-Ups are.  Now let’s talk mommy talk, fit and protection.  The Pull-Ups fit Mattie perfectly, they are made to fit more like big girl panties.  The moment I put the Pull-Ups on Mattie I liked the way they fit her, and realized there is a huge difference between Pull-Ups and Slip-On’s.  You’re able to pull the other diapers on, but the fit is completely different.

WP_20130120_051The Pull-Ups are easy to slip on and off.  Taking them on and off is NOT something Mattie likes anyone to help her with.  She’s sticking by the big girl story, which is okay I guess.  I think I have realized how fast she is growing up (tear).   If you for some reason need to take the Pull-Ups off, which happens.  It never fails, it’s the big ones they never make it to the bathroom for, lol.  If the big poo’s happen, it’s okay there’s convenient tear away sides that help keep the mess in the diaper rather than on legs, hands and anything else that happens to get in the way.

Pull-Ups are great in the protection department as well.  We have had no leaks or overflows yet.  Mattie sleeps in her Pull-Ups and we have not had any issue with leaks, or them not being able to last the night.

The Pull-Ups First Flush Party a blast.  Everyone had a great time wearing diapers on their heads, dressing up as diaper princesses, dancing, and getting rowdy.  It’s always nice to see the kids have fun with their cousins and close friends.

The First Flush Party was not only a blast for everyone that came, it’s had a huge impact on Mattie.  She’s been paying more attention to using the big girl potty, while I don’t think she 100% ready, she doing MUCH better.  The experience has made becoming a big girl exciting for her, I don’t think it will be too much longer and we’ll have a potty trained Mattie on our hands.

DSC06320In the end I have learned, Mattie will make the big move when she is completely ready and confident that she can do it.  They grow up too fast, the last thing I want to do is speed it up.  All we can do is encourage them, and make the leap as exciting and positive as possible.  The party was a blast, and I really think that all the excitement about becoming a big girl was encouraging to Mattie.

Be sure to swing by and check out Pull-Ups on their Website, and sure to check out their Big Kids App.  Stay up to date with Pull-Ups on Facebook and Twitter.

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Pull-Ups.  I received product samples to facilitate my review and to host a party.  I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating. 

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Denise Smith February 17, 2013 - 1:20 pm

tring to potty train my youngest thanks for the tips

Immaculate Copeland February 15, 2013 - 4:06 pm

We had the Pullup Potty Party to and it was so much fun! :)

Mary Gallardo February 13, 2013 - 4:40 pm

How adorable! My daughter, her grandma, and I used to run around with pull ups on our heads too! =) It is so exciting when kids start going potty on their own. It seems like just yesterday when my daughter first went on her potty, but she is now almost 4.

Anika Hughes February 6, 2013 - 9:55 am

This sounds like you had crazy busy fun! My older daughter is potty trained. My younger daughter still has a wqys to go but I’ll be using these Pull-Ups for her like I did my older one.

Debbie Corbin February 5, 2013 - 8:44 pm

sure wish they had these when my kids were little…

Kathy Idol February 1, 2013 - 11:30 am

Great idea!

Jackie January 31, 2013 - 9:36 pm

great review! The pull ups have been a life saver for my daughter with autism,she is almost 7 and still needs them, so I am for sure a fan!

md kennedy January 31, 2013 - 3:00 pm

A POTTY PARTY! Wahta n awesome idea! My step-grandson just turned 2 and started potty training with some success – I have sent your post to my setp-daughter to consider making it more fun.

Jennifer Mae Hiles January 30, 2013 - 8:30 pm

My daughter just pee’d in her potty for the first time a couple weeks ago. I never knew that pee-ing could cause us such joy, haha. That was nice of them to send you all those nice party favors!

Jenn January 30, 2013 - 9:30 pm

That’s awesome… girl the party was fun and my kido loved it!

Sam Dock January 30, 2013 - 1:40 pm

I may have to see if my store has theses in stock yet…small towns take a while to get new products. My son is trying hard but still needs something absorbant…especially when we go out shopping or something.

Tania B January 30, 2013 - 12:36 pm

Aw, that sounds like a lot of fun! Great stuff


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